here is my code so far.
It works as is, just I'd like to get both slope and intercept from Num Col Box(7) and I can't figure out what's wrong with int = num(word(1, eq2)). It returns no number, so I'm getting the intercept from Outline Box(2).
I attach the template xml.
dt = Current Data Table();
biv = dt << Bivariate(Y(:variable1), X(:Conc A), Fit Line());
eq1=rbiv[Outline Box(2)][1, 1] << get text;
eq2=rbiv[Number Col Box(7)] << get text;
slope = num(word(2, eq2));
int = num(word(3, eq1)); //I'd like to get both numebers from Number Col Box (7), but if set int = num(word(1, eq2)) I get nothing.
Cutoff = int+slope*2.5;
Eval Expr(
:variable1 << Set Property(
"Spec Limits",
{LSL( Expr( Cutoff ) ), USL( Expr( . ) ), Target( Expr( . ) ),
Show Limits( 1 )}