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Level III

Exporting multiple Graphs with different scripts

Hey Jmp users, 


I am trying to export multiple graphs in Jmp. Is there anyway to select the corresponding scripts and export all the graphs together. 


Thanks a lot ! 


Super User

Re: Exporting multiple Graphs with different scripts

Here's an example that exports three graphical outputs from Big Class to a word doc.

dt = open("$sample_data\Big");

dist = expr(dt << Distribution(
	Continuous Distribution( Column( :weight ) ),
	Nominal Distribution( Column( :age ) )

gb1 = expr(dt << Graph Builder(
	Show Control Panel( 0 ),
	Variables( X( :age ), Y( :sex ) ),
	Elements( Heatmap( X, Y, Legend( 2 ) ) )

gb2 = expr(dt << Graph Builder(
	Show Control Panel( 0 ),
	Variables( X( :height ), Y( :weight ), Overlay( :sex ) ),
	Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 1 ) ), Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 2 ) ) )

nw = new window("Example Export Multiple Platforms",
	chart_output = vlistbox(
		page break box(),
		page break box(),

chart_output << save msword("c:\temp\SampleCharts.doc", Native);
Super User

Re: Exporting multiple Graphs with different scripts

Hi @JMPdiscoverer ,


  I was coming up with a similar solution to @pmroz , and I like what they did.


  Here's what I was thinking, but not as nice as making a word document, etc. You can also save them directly to PPT files as well. I created the reports in the JSL just to have them handy, but the for loops can work if you've already got them open. But, if you write a script that generates the reports, you can just reference the report by variable name instead of finding a list of windows.


Names Default To Here( 1 );

dt = open("$sample_data\Big");

rpt1 = dt << Bivariate( Y( :weight ), X( :height ) );
rpt2 = dt << Oneway( Y( :height ), X( :age ), X Axis Proportional( 0 ) );
rpt3 = dt << Fit Group(
	Oneway( Y( :weight ), X( :age ), X Axis Proportional( 0 ) ),
	Bivariate( Y( :weight ), X( :height ) ),
	<<{Arrange in Rows( 2 )}

reportlist = {};
For( i = 0, i <= N Items( Window() ), i++,
		!Is Missing( Regex( Window( i ) << getwindow title, "Fit" ) ) == 1 | !Is Missing(
			Regex( Window( i ) << getwindow title, "Oneway" )
		) == 1 | !Is Missing( Regex( Window( i ) << getwindow title, "Bivariate" ) ) == 1,
		Insert Into( reportlist, Window( i ) << get window title )

For( i = 1, i <= N Items( reportlist ), i++,
	picbox = Window( reportlist[i] ) << getPicture;
	picbox << SaveImage(
		"whatever your local directory to save is\pic" || Char( i ) || ".png"

  These should get you working well on your way.


Good luck!,


Level IV

Re: Exporting multiple Graphs with different scripts



I just stumbled upon this thread, and I think it is what I've been after. However, I'm still trying to get over the JSL learning hump and I can't quite get the result.


Quick summary:

            - merged CSV data sets into one JMP sheet

            - created and saved plot scripts to data table

            - When opening table at a later point, I run the the three plot scripts, then I copy and paste each plot into a                     single Powerpoint slide (images that correspond to plots have been pasted already in same slide)


I'm looking to minimize the click and copy steps by at least pooling all three graphs together and get them in a format that can export all three at the same time. I've been exploring if this needs to be done with a Dashboard or Journal which somehow groups and saves as a file I can pull over. The holy grail would be to have my jpg images mated with my JMP plots and then brought over to PP. 


I have tried the Vlist command but get an empty window when trying to get the plot that was saved as a script. Part of the relevant script pieces are shown.


Any thoughts or input are welcome. 



Join_files = Expr(
	For( i = 1, i <= N Items( path ), i+=2, 
			/*area, %area, and pore pixel count*/
			jointable1 = Open( path[i] );
			//jointable1 << Get Name;
			samplename = Substr( jointable1 << Get Name, 1, 18 );			//sample replicate name //
			samplename2 = Word(1,q, "_");									// only sample name, no replicate suffix
			jointable1 << New Column( "Sample",
				Set Each Value( samplename )								// setting each row in column 1 to samp rep name //
			/*diameter and pore pixel count*/
			jointable2 = Open( path[i + 1] );

			dt = Data Table( jointable1 ) << Join(
				With( Data Table( jointable2 ) ),
				Select( :Sample, :Area, :Name( "%Area" ),:scale,:thick),
				SelectWith( :pixD1, :count1),
				Cartesian Join	
			Close( jointable1, no save );report summ_.JPG
			Close( jointable2, no save );
			dt << Set Name(samplename);
			po = dt << get name;
			dt << Save(SD1 || po);
Graphs = Eval Expr(
/*set graphs*/
dt << New Table Property( "Cumulative Resistivity",
Graph Builder(
Size( 591, 496 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Grid Color( "Black" ),
Graph Spacing( 2 ),
X( :Name( "Pore Diameter (um)" ) ),
Y( :Name( "Cumulative flow resistivity (Pa*s/m^2)") ),
Y( :Pore Size Dist ),
Y( :Name( "Cumulative Pore fraction (pore+solid)" ) ),
Overlay( :Sample )
Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 20 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 2 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 18 ) ) ),
Elements( Position( 1, 3 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 19 ) ) ),
nw = new window("Example Export Multiple Platforms", chart_output = vlistbox( graphs("Cumulative Resistivity"), ); ); );



Super User

Re: Exporting multiple Graphs with different scripts

Hi NRW - I think you are over complicating things somewhat.  You don't need to put your join logic into an expression.  Just run it as is without the surrounding expr().


The graphs logic got cut off in your posting, but that I would do as expr(), rather than eval expr().


Finally in your new window just put


and not

graphs("Cumulative Resistivity"),


Level IV

Re: Exporting multiple Graphs with different scripts



Many thanks for the input! Being a novice, I'm still getting use to JSL flow and functionality, and would be glad for expert guidance. I included the entire script (pared down), to show you the overall flow. Based on previous coding experience which considered a main macro and subroutines, I was trying to encapsulate routines in expressions so they could be called later in program ("Files()", "Join_files", and "Con").


I changed "Graphs = Eval Expr" to "Graphs = Expr", and everything works. I wasn't sure if this needed an Eval since it was called in another expression (Join_files).


I had used graphs in new window, but still get an empty window.


Many thanks again for your valuable time.



Files = Expr(
	SD1 = "C:\Users\";
	path = {};
	f1 = Files In Directory( SD1, recursive(1));

	For( i = 1, i <= N Items( f1 ), i++,
		If(Ends With( f1[i], ".csv" ),
			f1[i] = Convert File Path(SD1) || f1[i]; 
			b= f1[i];
			Insert Into(path, b)

Join_files = Expr(
	For( i = 1, i <= N Items( path ), i+=2, 
			/*area, %area, and pore pixel count*/
			jointable1 = Open( path[i] );
			//jointable1 << Get Name;
			samplename = Substr( jointable1 << Get Name, 1, 18 );			//sample replicate name //
			samplename2 = Word(1,q, "_");									// only sample name, no replicate suffix
			jointable1 << New Column( "Sample",
				Set Each Value( samplename )								// setting each row in column 1 to samp rep name //
			jointable2 = Open( path[i + 1] );

			dt = Data Table( jointable1 ) << Join(
				With( Data Table( jointable2 ) ),
				Select( :Sample, :Area, :Name( "%Area" ),:scale,:thick),
				SelectWith( :pixD1, :count1),
				Cartesian Join	
			Close( jointable1, no save );
			Close( jointable2, no save );
			dt << Set Name(samplename);
			po = dt << get name;
			dt << Save(SD1 || po);
		nw = new window("Example Export Multiple Platforms",
				chart_output = vlistbox(

Columns = Eval Expr(
	dt << New Column( "Sample 2", 
		Set Each Value(samplename2),
		Set Display Width( 150 ), 

Graphs = Eval Expr(
			/*set graphs*/
	dt << New Table Property( "Cumulative Resistivity",
		Graph Builder(
			Size( 591, 496 ),
			Show Control Panel( 0 ),
			Grid Color( "Black" ),
			Graph Spacing( 2 ),
				X( :Name( "Diameter (um)" ) ),
				Y( :Name( "flow resistivity (Pa*s/m^2)") ),
				Overlay( :Sample )
			Elements( Position( 1, 1 ), Line( X, Y, Legend( 20 ) ) ),
					"Diameter (um)",
					{Min( 0 ), Max( 80 ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ),
					Label Row(
						{Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 )}
					"flow resistivity (Pa*s/m^2)",
					{Scale( "Log" ), Format( "Scientific", 12 ), Min( 100000 ),
					Max( 10000000000000 ), Inc( 1 ), Minor Ticks( 1 ),
					Label Row( {Show Major Grid( 1 ), Show Minor Grid( 1 )} )}

Con = Expr(
	dt = {};

	// Sort list ascending (sample replicates) //

	For( i = 1, i <= N Table(), i++,
		table = data table(i);
		insert into(dt, table);
		sort list into(dt)
	// Concatenate each file (sample replicates) //

	dt_all= Data Table( dt[1] ) << Concatenate(
		Data Table( dt[2] ),
		Data Table( dt[3] ),
		Output Table( "Concatenated Table" )
		// Rename file to sample name and Save //

	dt_all << set name(samplename2);
	dt_all:Sample << Set Display Width( 150 );  // Widen to include entire title
	p = dt_all << get name;
	dt_all << Save(SD1 || p);

	close(dt_all, no save);
	close(dt[1], no save);
	close(dt[2], no save);
	close(dt[3], no save);


Level IV

Re: Exporting multiple Graphs with different scripts



I'm still getting a blank window when trying to open "Graph". Is there something fundamental that I need to include? My objective is to put all three plots (Graphs, Graphs2 and Graphs3) into one window so I can copy and paste into Powerpoint.


Many thanks for any input.




