Hi @ADouyon,
You have this message because the designs you're trying to compare don't have the same terms in the model (you can check which terms are in each model by clicking on "Evaluate Design" script, and looking at the "Model" part).
For example, the reference design V5 has the term X4*X4, but this term is not present in V4, so JMP can't compare the power and other parameters of X4*X4 for all designs. This is what the error message is about, to warn you that models can be different in the model comparison, so JMP will only do the comparison of designs on terms that are common in all models.
The continuous or discrete numeric factors are coded with -1 for low level, +1 for high level (and 0 for middle level) in this platform, in order to have the same basis in case you would have different ranges/values for different designs.
This variable coding is always done in the DoE process (high level = +1, low level =-, but not directly shown in JMP), as it enables same variation range for all factors (and independent from units), and the model coefficients can be directly compared.
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)