How can I make this error message here go away?

It appears when I close table and window via the "Close Window" button after I have first drawn a graph. I copied in the script below, but to run it one would have to have open an adequate data table (see attached example). This, and only this table, should be open when running the script. This script is an attempt at having a little desktop stability calculator (very dirty, reasonably quick) / helper when writing reports, assessing product shelf-life etc.. It lets the user apply our normalized stability data (where t=0 corresponds with 100%rel.) to hypothetical starting concentrations of any quality parameter (as far as it is numeric) and quickly switch between settings and parameters. I made it thus far, but this error message is driving me nuts. (Also, can I show this on the next In-Person Nordics User Group: 05 October 2022 ?)

Delete Symbols();
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Current Data Table();
dt << Clear Row States;
dt << Clear Select; // avoids accidentally including columns in colList
// alpha level for bivariate plot
alpha = 0.1;
// get lists for model selection
Batch = Associative Array( dt:Batch ) << Get Keys; // direct column reference
For( i = 1, i <= N Row( dt ), i++, // find all rel% columns
For( j = 1, j <= N Col( dt ), j++,
If( Column( j )[i] == 0,
For( k = 1, k <= N Col( dt ), k++,
If( Column( k )[i] == 100,
Column( k ) << Set Selected( 1 )
colList = dt << Get Selected Columns;
// length of column list box
nItems = N Items( colList );
// radio box argument
rb1_expr = Expr(
dt << Clear Row States;
one_rb = rb1 << Get Selected;
dt << Select Where( (dt:Batch == one_rb) ); // direct column reference
dt << Invert Row Selection;
dt << Hide and Exclude;
dt << Invert Row Selection );
// "draw graph" button & column list selection arguments
action_expr = Expr(
vlb << Delete; // delete existing vlb
yColAbs = Eval(
Eval Expr(
dt << New Column( one_rb || " / " || " / " || "start level = " || Char( startLevel ) || " for " || Char( yColRel ),
formula( Expr(startLevel) / Expr(100) * (As Column( Expr( yColRel ) ) ) )
pb << Append( // append new vlb with fresh graph
vlb = V List Box(
biv = Bivariate(
Y( yColAbs ), // is this the culprit?
X( dt:Time ), // direct column reference
Fit Line(
{Confid Curves Fit( 1 ),
Confid Curves Indiv( 1 ),
Confid Shaded Fit( 1 ),
Confid Shaded Indiv( 1 ),
Line Color( {230, 159, 0} )},
{Set α Level( 0.1 )}
Automatic Recalc( 1 ),
// note reference to one_rb below in use for changing y axis label
Dispatch( {}, one_rb, TextEditBox, {Set Text( "QC parameter value" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "timepoint 1", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "Time [months]" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Linear Fit", OutlineBox, {Close( 1 )} )
// model selection window with radio buttons & colum list box
nw = New Window( "Model selection",
Show Menu( 0 ),
Show Toolbars( 1 ), // to have access to cross hair
Border Box( Top( 0 ), Bottom( 20 ), Left( 20 ), Right( 10 ),
H List Box(
Panel Box( "Batch",
rb1 = Radio Box(
Eval List( Batch ),
Panel Box( "QC parameter (y-axis)",
stabDat = Col List Box(
Max Selected( 1 ),
Width( 250 ),
N Lines( nItems ),
On Change(
yColRel = Column( dt, (stabDat << Get Selected) );
If( Is Empty( startLevel ),
stabDat << Append( colList );
Panel Box( "Action",
V List Box(
H List Box (
neb = Number Edit Box( Empty(), 7, << Set Function(
startLevel = neb << Get;
If( Is Empty( yColRel ),
) ) ),
Spacer Box( Size( 5, 0 ) ),
Text Box( "Enter start level" )
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 10 ) ),
Button Box( "Draw graph",
If( ( Is Empty( startLevel ) + Is Empty( yColRel )) > 0,
// then
New Window( "Message", modal,
V List Box(
Text Box( "QC parameter selection and/or start level missing!" ),
Spacer Box( size( 0, 10 ) )
// else
Spacer Box( Size( 0, 10 ) ),
Button Box ( "Close Window",
If( !Is Empty( PF ), PF << Close Window);
nw << Close Window;
Close(dt, no save)
pb = Panel Box( "Model",
vlb = V List Box () // space for model graph
// making the initially selected buttons active in row selection
one_rb = rb1 << Get Selected;
dt << Select Where( (dt:Batch == one_rb) );
dt << Invert Row Selection;
dt << Hide and Exclude;