i wish to pass argument str1, a string argument to a separate script named: "script2run.jsl" for example, nad that script uses str1 argument and print a message such as :
print("This is the important string I successfully passed: " || Eval(str1)) ;
a different script that create a window that will be saved as journal for later usage will triger that script through buttons that would be something like this:
vars4script = {"nine", "one", "two", "eight", "eleven"};
win_click = New Window( "journal window",
Spacer Box( size( 100, 10 ) ),
Header = Text Box( " journal window buttons", <<Font Color( " Blue" ) ),
Panel Box( " buttons1 ", buttons_area1 = H List Box() ),
Panel Box( " buttons2 ", buttons_area2 = H List Box() ),
Panel Box( " buttons2 ", buttons_area3 = H List Box() ),
//Method 1
For( i = N Items( vars4script ), i, i--,
str1 = vars4script[i];
buttons_area1 << Append( Button Box( Eval( str1 ), Include( "script2run.jsl", Eval( str1 ) ) ) );
//Method 2
For( i = N Items( vars4script ), i, i--,
str1 = vars4script[i];
buttons_area2 << Append(
Button Box( Eval( str1 ), <<Set Function( Expr( Include( "script2run.jsl", Eval( str1 ) ) ) ) )
//Method 3
For( i = N Items( vars4script ), i, i--,
str1 = vars4script[i];
buttons_area3 << Append( Button Box( str1, Eval Expr( "include('script2run.jsl', '$str1')" ) ) );
there are 3 methods here but none is working properly when buttons are clicked