Are you just data mining?
I have the following thoughts:
1. I would start with a thoughtful consideration of the columns and develop rational hypotheses as to why they would or would not effect the number of defects or defect rate.Use these hypotheses as a guide to iterating your model.
2. I would be cautious of using defects. Defects may be the result of different failure mechanisms and therefore have different causal structures. This may get lost in the aggregate of defect density. Are there better measures? The more continuous the measures the more effective and efficient the study.
3. If data mining, I agree with Victor in assessing the multicollinearity of the column factors. Scatter plots are excellent for this.
4. Regression would be a place to start looking at relationships between factors and defects. Again the nature of the response variable may constrain what you can use. Typically I would start with linear effects and take an additive approach to model building (adding terms like interactions and non-linear over iterations), procedures like step wise and PLS may be useful, but always be able to justify the relationships with subject matter rationalization. (this is very difficult with PCA)
5. You have measurement errors throughout the data set and even likely in the classification of defects. There will be little chance to estimate this from your data set.
6. Context is important. As Victor mentions, you may have lagged variable effects and hidden variables. Just remember you are data mining to make your next iteration more effective (directed sampling or experimentation) NOT to draw conclusions.
"All models are wrong, some are useful" G.E.P. Box