I would like to send a data table to my report and close the table.
So, Data Table Box is not good - a table in the report disappears.
Is there some quick way to create simple not linked Table Box from Data table?
Thank you,
Sending the Get As Report message to the data table will return a TableBox of the data table without any links to the original table.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big Class.jmp" );
nw = New Window( "Big Class",
dt << Get As Report()
Close( dt, NoSave );
Hi Tom,
if you are working with a journal you could try
Current Data Table() << Journal;
to print it to the journal and to close it afterwards:
Sending the Get As Report message to the data table will return a TableBox of the data table without any links to the original table.
Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA\Big Class.jmp" );
nw = New Window( "Big Class",
dt << Get As Report()
Close( dt, NoSave );
Thank you,
Exactly what I need.