Here's how to get an estimate of the a parameter using the FFT function. The comments about seconds and hours are assuming the data was collected about every 4 seconds for about an hour; the FFT doesn't care about the units. The FFT bins the frequencies in the data such that the first bin after the DC offset bin represents the lowest frequency that can make one complete cycle in the input data, the next bin is 2 complete cycles, ... the middle bin is ndata/2 cycles. The bins after than are a mirror of the first.
dt = Open( "z:\example" );
// by hand, I made a formula column to look at x-lag(x) and
// decided the first 79 and last 8 were not representative...
rowstart = 80;
rowstop = 937;
timeStart = dt:x[rowstart];
timeStop = dt:x[rowstop];
ydata = dt[rowstart :: rowstop, {y}]; // throw away a few with irregular time
{r, i} = FFT( {ydata} );
nBins = N Items( r );
sampleRate = (timeStop - timeStart) / (nBins - 1); // imagine there were only 2 bins...thus -1.
// the samplerate is ~4 seconds/sample...
// the highest frequency this can resolve is 1 cycle/ 8 seconds. (.125 Hz)
// frequencies higher than that will cause aliasing unless they are filtered out before this.
// the bin [nBins/2] represents the maximum frequency that can be resolved
lastBinFrequency = 1 / (2 * sampleRate); // ~ 0.125 Hz
// the first bin [1] is the DC, or offset from 0, component. We'll ignore it.
// the next bin [2] represents the frequency that has one cycle over the length of the data.
// the lowest non-DC frequency is one cycle per hour (the length of time the data was collected).
binWidth = 1 / (timeStop - timeStart); // ~0.0003Hz, or ~1 cycle per hour
// note: lastBinFrequency == (nbins-1)*binWidth/2 -- each bin is this wide, in frequency
// the remaining bins are a mirror of the first and ignored.
// combine real and imaginary bin components to get an amplitude
p = Sqrt( r ^ 2 + i ^ 2 );
dtGraph2 = As Table( ((rowstart :: rowstop) - rowstart)` || p );
dtGraph2 << Graph Builder(
Size( 1300, 500 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Show Legend( 0 ),
Variables( X( :Col1 ), Y( :Col2 ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 5 ) ) ),
Dispatch( {}, "Col1", ScaleBox, {Format( "Best", 12 ), Min( 0 ), Max( nBins / 2 ), Inc( 100 ), Minor Ticks( 4 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Col2", ScaleBox, {Format( "Best", 12 ), Min( 0 ), Max( 30000 ), Inc( 5000 ), Minor Ticks( 1 )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "graph title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "FFT Bins" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "X title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "bin number" )} ),
Dispatch( {}, "Y title", TextEditBox, {Set Text( "size" )} )
// there is a stong DC component in this data (all values > 0) so bin 1 is the max.
If( Loc Max( p ) != 1,
Throw( "something odd" )
p[1] = 0; // clear the DC value
// next max after DC:
maxBinIndex = Loc Max( p ); // 5. the data repeats about (5-1)==4 times in this frame.
"\!nBiggest frequency component at ",
binWidth * (maxBinIndex - 1),
" Hz or ",
Round( 1 / (binWidth * (maxBinIndex - 1)) ),
" seconds per cycle"
// where does a==.007 come from?
secondsPerCycle = 1 / (binWidth * (maxBinIndex - 1));
totalSeconds = timeStop-timeStart;
cyclesInSample = totalSeconds/secondsPerCycle;//about 4
timerange = timeStop-timeStart;
a_from_fft = cyclesInSample*2*pi()/timerange; // .0073...
One strong response in 4th bin after DC bin
Biggest frequency component at 0.00116448326055313 Hz or 859 seconds per cycle
a_from_fft = 0.007316664113164;
The DC component is related to the mean of the data, the c value.