Hi @Knekse,
I get your idea in theory, but in practice, this may be very difficult to do, as you have no evidence or certainty that there would be a unique combination of factor levels giving a unique specific output (or have you ?).
Just to show an example with the sample data Coffee Data.jmp, you can reach an optimum coffee strenght (here at 1,30) in a lot of different ways with only two factors (Time and Charge) : depending if charge is low, medium or high, you just have to adjust time to get the optimal coffee strenght.
So if your only information is the output (coffee strenght here), you may have no idea how you did get this specific value (with which combination of factors levels).
And since you have 6 inputs and 6 outputs, the complexity may increase.
Hope that helps you understand my point of view,
Optimum 1
Optimum 2
Optimum 3
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)