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DOE on an imported file

I have excel file which contain 432 rows of 7 different factors which some have 2 level and some have 3 level and I looked at couple of responses. Now I want to import the file to JM and do DOE. The question is that do I need to manually enter the responses for each variable levels to my DOE table in order to analyze it? Or I can run DOE on my current imported file?



Re: DOE on an imported file

Hi @hossen2 , I try to write what I understand before answering

  • you have an excel file of a designed experiment or some kind of made-up experiment. The experiment is varying 7 factors (continuous or categorical with 2 or 3 levels). 
  • in that excel file you do have the responses entered already, correct? I ask because you ask if you need to manually enter the responses in the JMP imported table. Or do you not have the response data yet?

1. lets assume you have the data for the responses already in the excel sheet

Then you can import all data and start with a) visualize and explore the data  b) use menu DOE->Design Diagnostics -> Evaluate Design to understand what effects your design is capable of estimating (often people believe they can estimate a full RSM model though the design or the historic data does not provide that information for sure), and c) model as appropriate. 

2. now let's assume you do not have the response data in the Excel sheet because the experiment has not been conducted

Then you can import the sheet as well into JMP and enter the data manually for the (not yet existing) responses. If your design was not statistically designed but by trial and error or gut feeling, check before with evaluate design if it fits your needs to achieve the information you want to get from the experiment. If it does not match you may want to augment the design first to have enough power for the effects in your design. 

If the data comes from an instrument directly into Excel or from a database, you can import that data and join with/update the data table with the factor settings with the new data.


Hope that helps,

