The Analysis of Variance table tests the 'whole model.' That is, the null hypothesis is that all the parameters (except the constant term) are zero versus the alternative hypothesis that not all the parameters are zero. The test is based on the ratio of variances (MS Model / MS Error). This F ratio is used to obtain the p-value that is reported in the Analysis of Variance table and also below horizontal axis of the Actual by Predicted plot.
The Effect Summary reports tests for individual parameter estimates. It compares the parameter estimate to the hypothesized parameter (zero) by difference and then makes a t ratio by dividing by the standard error of the estimate. The t ratio is, therefore, the number of standard errors that the estimate is from the hypothesized value. The t ratio is used to obtain the p-value in the Effects Summary table.
Note that while both of these tests are asking a question about the parameter estimates, they are not asking the same question. They are also not using the same method to obtain an answer. So they will not necessarily agree or provide consistent answers. For example, the whole model F test might indicate that you should not reject the null hypothesis while one or more of the t tests might indicate that you should reject the null. Remember that they are not the same hull hypothesis.