The augment design feature does not really put much thought into the number of runs that are suggested. It will always be 8 unless you specify a larger model that will require more than 8 additional runs.
For example, create a design for two factors, main effects only model. Now choose augment and you will see the number of additional runs is 8 more than your design. Try another example with 20 factors. Again, stick with main effects only model. Augment will again add 8 more runs.
Bottom line is that do not put any consideration into the 8 additional runs. You need to specify the appropriate number that you can do that will allow you to meet your power and prediction precision.
For your four factors, there are 6 two-way interactions. There are four quadratic terms. Your augmented design will be fitting 10 additional model terms from where you started (which was 5 terms - intercept + four main effects). I would recommend starting with at least 10 additional runs in your augmentation, possibly more to meet the appropriate prediction precision.
Dan Obermiller