is it possible to define a custom function which works for 2-5 selected columns?
Add Custom Functions(
New Custom Function(
Function( {col1, col2, col3=., col4=., col5=.},
If(not (is missing(col 4)),
Char(col1) || "_" || Char(col2)|| "_" || Char(col3)|| "_" || Char(col4)|| "_" || Char(col5),
not (is missing(col 4)),
Char(col1) || "_" || Char(col2)|| "_" || Char(col3)|| "_" || Char(col4),
not (is missing(col 3)),
Char(col1) || "_" || Char(col2)|| "_" || Char(col3),
not (is missing(col 4)),
Char(col1) || "_" || Char(col2))
<<Transform Category( 1 ),
<<Description( "combine 2-5 columns with underscore" ),
Show( custom:concat( :height, :weight, :sex, :age, :name ) );