The issue is that the column name in the data table needs to be the same as the column name in the -name shape table. You had specified "Name" in the -Name shape jmp table, but in the data table you called the column "Department". I changed the column name to "Name" and brought up Graph Builder, and produced the following output:
Also, make sure you save the -XY and - Name data tables to the correct folders:
JMP looks for these files in two locations. One location is shared by all users on a machine.
This location is:
• Windows: C:/Program Files/SAS/JMP/12/Maps/
• Macintosh: /Library/Application Support/JMP/12/Maps
The other location is specific for an individual user:
• On Windows: C:/Users/<user name>/AppData/Roaming/SAS/JMP/Maps
• On Macintosh: /Users/<user name>/Library/Application Support/JMP/Maps