It might be enough if you just change the "," to ";" after your filter = fb << get text(); line
Names Default To Here(1);
//Assign Data Table + Delete Column Flag if it already there
dt = Current Data Table();
//Create new window to get data from user
filter = "";
nw = New Window("Flag Creation",
Border Box(top(50), bottom(100), Left(50), Right(100)),
H Center Box(Text Box("Input a single Conditon Bin to Flag")),
Text Box("Condition:"),
fb = Text Edit Box("bbb"),
Button Box("Run",
filter = fb << get text();
dt << New Column("Flag", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 12), Formula(filter))
If you want to prevent JMP from continuing script execution when window is open, you can use modal windows for that. Construct a Modal Window (