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Level I

Create Column with Values Based Off Existence of Other Rows & Logic

Hello anyone, 

I am trying to create a formula or script that will set a certain value ("Good", "Bad", or "N/A") for each row based off if there is another row in the table with values matching logic that uses the current row as an input.


I have a script that does just this by using nested For loops when using a small subset of the full datatable. However, with the full datatable I am trying to use which is roughly 1 million rows, the script just crashes JMP.

Is there a more efficient way in order to allow JMP to perform this? (Or if it can be done with SQL, I can do that before bringing it into JMP).


See attached for the script that does what I am talking about.

Super User

Re: Create Column with Values Based Off Existence of Other Rows & Logic

Usually there is no need to nest for loops when working with data tables.


Could you provide small subset of your data and include a column with the results you want in it? 

Level I

Re: Create Column with Values Based Off Existence of Other Rows & Logic

Okay, I will mock up the data though because of privacy reasons.


colAcolBcolCcolDatecolE Logic
A0001 16 100 2022/04/01 9:15:01 AMAction1 N/A
A0001 100 182 2022/04/01 9:15:31 AMAction2 Good
A0001 100 100 2022/04/01 9:15:36 AMAction1  N/A
A0002 212 200 2022/04/02 3:15:21 AMAction1 N/A
A0002 211 282 2022/04/02 3:15:11 AMAction2 Bad
A0002 212 200 2022/04/02 3:15:16 AMAction1 N/A
A0003 441 382 2022/05/01 1:15:31 AMAction2 Bad
A0004 441 382 2022/05/01 5:16:31 AMAction2 Bad
A0004 441 300 2022/05/01 5:15:31 AMAction1 N/A



If the logic of the original script wasn't clear:

If current row 's colE is "Action 1": then assign "N/A"; 
Else, if current row's colE is "Action 2", then then follow the logic in the next paragraph.


If there exists another row in the table with the same values of the current row for columns colA and colB; current row's colC value is exactly 82 more than this other row; colDate values are within 18 seconds of each other; current row's colE is "Action 2" and this other row's colE is "Action 1": then assign "Good"; else then assign "Bad".



Appreciate any help! I'm just not seeing a way without nested loops at the moment.

But I do now at least realize I should put a Break() after Line 25 of my original script. No reason to keep looking for another row that matches my criteria if I already found at least one exists.

Super User

Re: Create Column with Values Based Off Existence of Other Rows & Logic

Logic in this script is overly complicated as I don't know all the limitations of the data (can there for example be multiple matches) and I didn't optimize it

Names Default To Here(1);

dt = New Table("Untitled",
	Add Rows(9),
	Compress File When Saved(1),
	New Column("colA", Character, "Nominal", Set Values({"A0001", "A0001", "A0001", "A0002", "A0002", "A0002", "A0003", "A0004", "A0004"})),
	New Column("colB", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 9), Set Values([16, 100, 100, 212, 211, 212, 441, 441, 441])),
	New Column("colC", Numeric, "Continuous", Format("Best", 9), Set Values([100, 182, 100, 200, 282, 200, 382, 382, 300])),
	New Column("colDate",
		Set Values(
			{" 2022/04/01 9:15:01 AM", " 2022/04/01 9:15:31 AM", " 2022/04/01 9:15:36 AM", " 2022/04/02 3:15:21 AM", " 2022/04/02 3:15:11 AM",
			" 2022/04/02 3:15:16 AM", " 2022/05/01 1:15:31 AM", " 2022/05/01 5:16:31 AM", " 2022/05/01 5:15:31 AM"}
	New Column("colE",
		Set Values({"Action1", "Action2", "Action1", "Action1", "Action2", "Action1", "Action2", "Action2", "Action1"})
	New Column(" Logic", Character(16), "Nominal", Set Values({" N/A", " Good", " N/A", " N/A", " Bad", " N/A", " Bad", " Bad", " N/A"}))

dt << New Column("Group", Character, Nominal, << Set Each Value(char(:colA)||char(:colB)));
//fix date
Column(dt, "colDate") << Set Each Value(Substitute(:colDate, " AM", "")) << Data Type(Numeric);

dt << New Column("Logic", Character, Nominal, << Set Each Value(
	As Constant(
		m_group = :Group << get values;
		m_c = :colC << get values;
		m_date = :colDate << get values;
	If(:colE == "Action1", 
	, :colE == "Action2",
		cur_group_idx = Loc(m_group, :Group);
		If(N Items(cur_group_idx) == 0,
			plus_idx = cur_group_idx[Loc(:colC - 82 == m_c[cur_group_idx])];
			If(N Items(plus_idx) == 0,
				timediff_idx = Loc(Abs(m_date[plus_idx] - :colDate) <= 18);
				If(N Items(timediff_idx) > 0,
					If(:colE == "Action2" & :colE[timediff_idx[1]] == "Action1",

dt << Delete Column("Group");


