I am trying to understand how the confidence interval limits for the variance estimates of the random effects REML output is calculated.
In the JMP help it is stated that:
If Unbounded Variance Components is selected, Wald-based confidence intervals are computed. These are valid asymptotically but note that they can be unreliable with small samples.
If Unbounded Variance Components is not selected, meaning that parameters have a lower boundary constraint of zero, a Satterthwaite approximation is used (Satterthwaite 1946).
I am interested in the bounded intervals. However, it is not clear how the Satterthwaite approximation is implemented.
In the example in "Investment Castings.jmp" from the Sample Data Library i can reproduce the confidence interval limits using a proper number of degrees of freedom (see attached file). I need 8*(4-1) = 24 for Residual, which I can understand. But how are the degrees of freedom for the Casting and Total obtained? And where in the REML report can I find them?