Hi, powerpuff!
Here are a couple of list manipulation functions from Chapter 5 of the Second Edition of JSL Companion:
// JSL Companion: Applications of the JMP Scripting Language
// Title: 5_Extra_CustomListFunctions.jsl
// Version: Windows JMP® 13.2.1
// Purpose: Provides examples of writing user functions.
These functions are provided for learning as well as utility.
For any script, where you would like to use these functions,
use and Include("path\5_Extra_CustomListFunctions.jsl");
The script will define 2 functions. After each is a comment
block /*: Usage & Test examples ... --- end Test*/. Remove
The comment block and run the examples one line at a time. Open
the embedded log or have the log window visible to see
the results.
As seen in Chapter 5, a numeric function on a single layer
list of numbers, or a vector, or a matrix, will return the
same object with the function applied to each item. For example,
xx = Sqrt({1,2,3,4,9}); //xx = {1, 1.4142135623731, 1.73205080756888, 2, 3}
We have suggested that the same apply to String functions (that operate
on a single item) on a list of text. What we would like is
xx = Substr({"Quaker", "Minnesota", "Nebraska"}, 1,1); would return
xx = {"Q", "M", "N"}. However, currently most JMP String functions do not
allow list arguments.
Functions defined here, are:
- LFunc( mylist, expr); where expression is like expr(Substr(x,1,1)).
- Like(SourceStr,SearchStr); both arguments are text/strings. The second
argument uses % and * as wild cards. Note this a simplified Regex.
LFunc can save writing for-loops, Like save looking up the REGEX syntax.
::Lfunc = Function( {xList, fExpr/*ex. Expr(Contains(x,"h"))*/},
{x = {}, i = 1, errCode = 0, errStr = "\!NError bad argument", newExpr},
If( !Is List( xList ),
errCode = 1
Type( Name Expr( fExpr ) ) == "Name",
//if Name then JMP does not recognize the function
tmp = Trim( Char( Name Expr( fExpr ) ) );
//extract the function and check if it is contained in the global namespace, if not error!
If( Namespace( "global" ) << Contains( Word( 1, tmp, ":(" ) ) == 0,
errCode = errCode + 2
Type( Name Expr( fExpr ) ) != "Expression", errCode = errCode + 2
//catches typos, returns Name if not a valid function
//catches typos, returns Name if not a valid function
If( !Is Expr( Name Expr( fExpr ) ),
errCode = errCode + 2
); //catches syntax
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( xList ), i++,
newExpr = Substitute( Name Expr( fExpr ), Expr( x ), xList[i] );
Insert Into( x, Try( newExpr, Empty() ) );
errCode == 1, Write( errStr || "(1) not a list \!N" ),
errCode == 2, Write( errStr || "(2) not a valid expression \!N" ),
errCode == 3, Write( errStr || "s (1) is not a list and (2) is not a valid expression \!N" )
x//return x
); //End Lfunc
//Usage & Test ...remove the slash asterisk and run in segments, results are in the log
myList={"john", "harry", "huh","ah ha", "xyx", , "a", "h", 7, [1,7]};
/* returns a list of numeric values, one value for each item in the list
n =>1st location of h, 0 => does not contain, Empty() => the item is not
a valid argument for that expression.
zz = Lfunc(myList,Expr(Contains(x,"h")));
/* returns a list of how many words are in each string
[] -> no occurrences
Empty() => the expression is not valid for that item.
zz = Lfunc(mylist, expr(nitems(words(x))));
/* This specified function requires numeric arguments
Empty() => the expression is not valid for that item.
A numeric function applied to a matrix returns a matrix
of the results applied on each element in the matrix.
Only the last 2 items are valid arguments for Log()
zz = Lfunc(mylist, expr(log(x)));
//----------------Error Checking---------------------------------------------------------------
zz = Lfunc("oh johhny", Expr(Contains(x,"h")) ); //not a list
zz = Lfunc({"oh johhny"}, Expr(Contians(x,"h")) ); //type not a valid expr due to typo
zz = Lfunc("oh johhny", Expr(Contians(x,"h")) ); //not a list and not a valid expr
//----- end test */
//--- New function that converts the SQL "like" format to a regular expression
// Uses % wildcard, ex A%B%C must start with A, and end with C and B in the middle
// %A%B%C% and pattern with A, B and C in that order
// We think this covers most cases where reg expr special characters
// need an escape, a forward slash, ex. ) needs \) . needs \. etc.
// If you find others, add to mList.
::Like = Function( {SourceStr, SearchStr},
{patStr = "^", i, ret, mList = {"(", ")", "$", "[", "]", ".", "*", "^"}},
Substitute Into( SearchStr, "%%", "-|~" ); //cheat , will not handle -|~
For( i = 1, i <= N Items( mList ), i++,
Substitute Into( SearchStr, mList[i], "\" || mList[i] )
Substitute Into( SearchStr, "%", ".*" );
Substitute Into( SearchStr, "-|~", "%" ); //replace
patStr ||= SearchStr;
ret = Try( Regex Match( SourceStr, patStr )[1], "" );
//show(patStr, ret,SourceStr);
If( Length( ret ) > 0 & ret == SourceStr,
); //end Like
/* Usage & Test ... remove the slash asterisk and run in segments, results are in the log
zz=Like("JSL COMPANION VERSION 2", "SL%MP%ION%"); //will not match
zz=Like("JSL COMPANION VERSION 2", "JSL%"); //starts with
zz=Like("JSL COMPANION VERSION 2", "jsl%"); //starts with not case sensitive
zz=Like("EDGE INFILM", "%fil%"); //ends with not case sensitive
zz=Like("EDGE INFILM", "%fil"); //will not match
//when the SourceStr has the %, the SearchStr, must use %% for the single %
//function needs at least one character before the occurence of "%" and 1 after.
zz=Like("This is a % test and a * test.", "%a %%%d%*%"); //contains
//===============Apply Like to each item in a list using Lfunc
//create xxList a test case
//will report the length of all that items that match pattern
zz= Lfunc(xxList, expr( length(::Like(x,"%C1%")) ) );
//will find the list index for each match using a variable ref
sstr = "%C1%";
zz= Loc(Matrix(Lfunc(xxList, expr( length(::Like(x,sstr)) ) ) )>0);
show(zz, if(nrow(zz)>0,xxList[zz],{} ));
//will find the list index for each item that contains a %GROUP
sstr = "%_%%GROUP%";
zz= Loc(Matrix(Lfunc(xxList, expr( length(::Like(x,sstr)) ) ) )>0);
show(zz, if(nrow(zz)>0,xxList[zz],{} ));
----- end test */
Try running some of the commented test cases to get a feel for how they work and whether they will meet your needs.
Good luck!