I want to join 2 data tables into 1 merge data table using scripting.
I already joint the 2 data tables into 1 joint data table manually, so I copied the same script from the joint data table into my master script.
Somehow, when I run the master script, all the chosen columns from dt2 not included in the joint data table.
Why it is not working?
Data Table( "AVIYield (Datasheet)" ) << Join(
With( Data Table( "Process_History_LotNoListingBeforeAVI" ) ),
:Machine Type, :Machine No, :Lot No, :Device, :Recipe, :Start Lot Time, :End Lot Time,
:Total Inspected Unit, :Total Dummy Unit, :Total Reject Unit,
:Overall Yield Include dummy, :Yield Exclude dummy, :FBMissing Bond, :FBAccuracy,
:FBBroken Wire, :FBBall Size, :SBMissing Bond, :SBPlacement, :SBBroken Wire,
:SBWedge Size, :WTDeviation, :WTBroken Wire, :Die Shift, :Die Surface, :Die Rotate,
:Die Epoxy Insuff, :Die Expoxy Excess, :Die Substrate, :SBBall Missing Bond,
:SBBall Broken Wire, :SBBall Accuracy, :Name( "NU-No Unit" ), :Name( "DU-Destroy Unit" ),
:Name( "ID-Incomplete Die" ), :Name( "DED-Die Edge Defect" ),
:Name( "DP-Die Placement" ), :Name( "EG-Excessive Glue" ),
:Name( "IG-Insufficient Glue" ), :Name( "DO-Die Orientation" ),
:Name( "NWB-No Wire Bond" ), :Name( "MW-Multiple Wire" ), :Name( "BP-Ball Placement" ),
:Name( "DW-Distorted Wire" ), :Name( "IW-Incomplete Wire" ),
:Name( "FM-Foreign Material" ), :Name( "MP-Missing Phosphor" ), :PackageFamily
SelectWith( :Process Oper, :Process Mach No, :In Time, :Out Time ),
By Matching Columns( :Lot No = :Lot No ),
Drop multiples( 0, 0 ),
Include Nonmatches( 1, 0 ),
Preserve main table order( 1 ),
Output Table( "JoinT" )