Hi @MarcP ,
I'm not sure if that is possible in the Model Driven Multivariate Control Chart platform, which it sounds like you are using.
You can however do it an alternate way. If you take your columns of interest and run them through the Principal Component platform, you can perform an Outlier Analysis (red hot button > Outlier Analysis). You should check the minimum number of components you need by PC red hot button > Eigen Values; rule of thumb is the minimum number of PCs you need is what can explain >= 85% of the data. Then, for the Outlier Analysis red hot button > Number of Components, you can then enter in the number of PCs needed. Again, go to Outlier Analysis red hot button and select Save T^2, and it will save a formula to your data table. You can then do a Graph Builder with your T^2 on the Y-axis and your date/time column on the X.
I just checked, and under the MDMCC platform, you can go to the T^2 red hot button and save columns, and it will save the T^2 formula as a new column in your data table. You can then do a Graph Builder plot as I mentioned above.
Hope this helps!,