Some platforms use ref lines and some use graphic scripts for this.
Distribution, Graph Builder, One Way, Variability Chart - use ref lines

Process Capability histogram - uses Graphic Script:

I will only handle the ref lines:
Names Default To Here(1);
dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Semiconductor");
ml = dt << Manage Limits(
Process Variables(dt << Get Column Group("Processes")),
ml << Show Limits All;
ml << Save to Column Properties;
ml << Close Window;
dt << Distribution(
Continuous Distribution(
Horizontal Layout(1),
Process Capability(Use Column Property Specs)
// "Tool script" starts from here
Names Default To Here(1);
abs = Current Report() << XPath("//AxisBox");
idx = 0;
For Each({ab}, abs,
s = ab << get script;
For Each({cur_s}, s,
If(Head Name(cur_s) == "Add Ref Line",
l = Substitute(Name Expr(cur_s), Expr(Add Ref Line()), Expr(List()));
If(Contains(l, "LSL") | Contains(l, "Target") | Contains(l, "USL"),
// this isn't documented
ab << Update Ref Line(1, Expr(idx), "Solid", "Orange", l[4], 3);
I does require some testing and I will most likely turn this into add-in when I have bit of time