Hi Victor:
Thank you very much for your time.
I did read your previous answer and based on that had some more questions which I tried researching but could not find answer.
If I take the textbook example, a 2^2 full factorial design with 5 CP and my subject of interest design of 3^2 (both the factors have three levels instead of 2) design, both the scenarios have 9 experimental runs, what are the benefits of each run.
1) CP runs will help in curvature detection (but not tell which factor if curvature present) and help with Pure error and hence increasing power
2) Three level runs will help with curvature detection and also identifying the factor and I believe will also increase the power (by smaller value compared to CP runs) but will not give Pure error.
So, I was trying to understand what will cause the researcher to choose any option.
Your help is highly appreciated.