The answer is yes. JMP has many functions that you can invoke for summing rows, columns, etc. It is is little different if you want to, for example, add cells that are in different rows but it still can be done. In the simple example below, I created Column 1 as a list 1 through 9.
Then I used one of the many built-in functions available in the Formula Editor to square Column 1.
You can add, subtract disparate cells in JMP but it's a little different than Excel. I add the first rows of Column 1 and Column 2 in the Sum Column by typing directing in the JMP file: =:Column1 + :Column 2 (i.e, 1+1=2). To demonstrate addition of non contiguous cells I typed in Row 3 of the Sum column the following formula: =Column 1[2] + :Column 2[4]. This last example adds the element in the second row in the Column 1 to the fourth element of Column 2.
Hope this helps. There are many ways to 'do math' in JMP.