I'm trying to get just the Y axis inverted, using JSL
This is a graph-builder that contains shapes from a NAME.jsl file with an XY.JSL file as well.
Whenever I reverse one axis the other reverses as well, how can I get my Y axis ALONE to invert and the X axis to stay the same?
When I do this on other graphs it works fine, but this one that contains Custom shapes has me stumped.
Is there anything I can do?
I tried even setting the Min/Max range but not matter what I do to one axis it gets applied to both of them.
This affects this script generated chart in both JMP 14 and JMP16. just tested both to see if JMP16 handled shapes better.
//gbr2 = Report( gb_w_c );
//gbr2[axisbox( 1 )] << Reversed Scale( 1 ); //Hits both axes at same time unfortunately
//This just leaves me with both axis reversed
Dispatch({},"",ScaleBox(1), {Max( 0 ), Min( 300000 ),Reversed Scale(1)}), //Y axis
Dispatch({},"",ScaleBox(2), {Min( 0 ), Max( 300000 ),Reversed Scale(0)}), //X axis