I take that back, only one of the columns came in as hr:m. The other two did not. The came in as hr:m:s which did not give the correct format. Upon closer inspection within Excel, the format of the cells are in a date-time format, not a duration format. Some are in a time format. I am not sure if Excel even understands Duration format. That is probably why JMP is doing something unexpected.
I saved the Excel file as a CSV and then imported using the Preview Option. Then I could set the columns to numeric and duration of hr:m.
All imported as expected then.
Chris Kirchberg, M.S.2
Data Scientist, Life Sciences - Global Technical Enablement
JMP Statistical Discovery, LLC. - Denver, CO
Tel: +1-919-531-9927 āŖ Mobile: +1-303-378-7419 āŖ E-mail: chris.kirchberg@jmp.com