unfortunately, I cant share the csv file, the data is 3 column the tag name, data and data points of an online measurement time series. The tag names and date info transfers properly, but data transfers properly in character format and when I change it to continuous, all I explained happens... here is a couiple od data points:
-0,17548 |
0,03195 |
0,13924 |
0,272756 |
3,183891 |
3,64643 |
1,395725 |
0,947491 |
0,678074 |
0,55171 |
0,10586 |
0,055792 |
0,282293 |
34,41482 |
90,42973 |
100,8011 |
102,4915 |
I also open data with using preview, It solved the problem without pushing any other change but I received this message, and since the data set has more tha 1 mil, rows, I am still not sure if the data transfers properly.
Random check however looks ok with data as continuous and decimals
Data manager and production analyst