OK here's some code I cobbled together from a production system. Names have been changed to protect the innocent and all that.
dt = New Table( "Example", Add Rows( 3 ),
New Column( "ID", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values( [1, 2, 3] ) ),
New Column( "Zip Code", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ),
Set Values( [12345, 19117, 10111] ) ),
New Column( "Order Amount", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Currency", "USD", 17, 2 ),
Set Values( [56.25, 34.11, 14.72] ) )
// Come up with a unique temporary table name
unique_table_name = "TMP_" || right(char(today()), 5) || "_" ||
substitute(left(char(tick seconds()), 9), ".", "_");
dbc = create database connection(<insert your parameters here>);
max_inserts = 200;
nr = nrows(dt);
// Use a series of INSERT ALL INTO statements, which have good performance
sql_statement = evalinsert(
"CREATE TABLE ^unique_table_name^ (
zipcode NUMBER,
execute sql(dbc, sql_statement);
sql_statement = "INSERT ALL ";
for (i = 1, i <= nr, i++,
one_id = dt:id[i];
one_zip = dt:zip code[i];
one_amt = dt:Order Amount[i];
sql_statement = sql_statement || evalinsert(
" INTO ^unique_table_name^ (ID, ZIPCODE, ORDER_AMOUNT)
VALUES(^one_id^, ^one_zip^, ^one_amt^) ");
if (mod(i, max_inserts) == 0,
// Weird - INSERT ALL INTO requires a SELECT statement at the end - use a dummy one
sql_statement = sql_statement || " SELECT 1 FROM DUAL";
// show(sql_statement);
execute sql(dbc, sql_statement);
sql_statement = "INSERT ALL ";
// See if there's anything left to do
if (sql_statement != "INSERT ALL ",
sql_statement = sql_statement || " SELECT 1 FROM DUAL";
// show(sql_statement);
execute sql(dbc, sql_statement);
close database connection(dbc);