I'm currently doing some testing to see how well JMP 13 and Oracle (12c) can work together. My end-game is to import oracle data using SQL queries into JMP, run analysis on the data, and then return the data back to the Oracle database while dropping the original table. I've been able to sucessfully bring data into JMP, but I'm having issues with saving the data table back to oracle. Here's what I have so far and what I think the drop the table command should be (currently commented out):
constring = ("DSN=***; UID=****; PWD=****);
dt1 = Open Database(constring,"select * from test1","test1");
dt1 << save database(constring,"test2");
//open database (constring,"Drop table test1");
When I run this the "test1" table pops up with the correct data in it, but the "save database" errors out with the following error:
Send Expects Scriptable Object in access or evaluation of 'Send' , dt1 << /*###*/save database( constring, "test2" ) /*###*/
In the following script, error marked by /*###*/
dt1 << /*###*/save database( constring, "test2" ) /*###*/
I've been using this document (https://www.jmp.com/content/dam/jmp/documents/en/white-papers/wp-jmp-odbc-102427.pdf) as my primary reference and I think it looks the same as the example, but something is clearly off.
What am I doing wrong with the "save database" function and will the drop table command work?