Thanks and you are right with what you say, I think I'm not expressing the question properly. Missing values in X are ignored when figuring out the maximum of X. The partner Y values on the same row are not missing and therefore not ignored. I should clarify that I'm iterating through columns in a data table and automatically plotting metrics that are connected.
This script might pick a voltage threshold and plot it against the respective current value if that gets selected. When this rescales at the end a missing value in X for example will cause there to be no data point on the graph, however, the partner Y value could still set the scale of the graph.
To ensure the plot contains the 100 value on both axed, I did modify the matrix to include 110 with |/110;
dt = Current Data Table();
dt << Clear Column Selection();
colList = dt << get column names( string );
check_list = {"VTX", "VTN", "VTP", "VTF", "IDS", "IBB", "ILK", "CMI"};
New Window( "Select Variables",
<<Type( "Modal Dialog" ),
<<On Validate( window:validated ),
window:enable function = Function( {},
{Default Local},
X = window:lbMajor << Get Selected;
Y = window:lbMinor << Get Selected;
If( N Items( X ) & N Items( Y ) & X != Y,
window:validated = 1,
window:validated = 0
window:ok button << Enable( window:validated );
H List Box(
V List Box(
Text Box( "Select X Variable" ),
window:lbMajor = List Box(
<<Set Max Selected( 1 ),
enable function
V List Box(
Text Box( "Select Y Variable" ),
window:lbMinor = List Box(
<<Set Max Selected( 1 ),
enable function
H List Box(
window:ok button = Button Box( "OK",
X = window:lbMajor << Get Selected;
Y = window:lbMinor << Get Selected;
If( N Items( X ) & N Items( Y ) & X != Y,
window:validated = 1,
window:validated = 0
If( window:validated,
Print( "Processing with X: " || Char( X ) || ", Y: " || Char( Y ) );
Window( "Select Variables" ) << Close Window;
Show( "Invalid Selection" );
{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << Select;
window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
Wait( 0.25 );
{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << DeSelect;
window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
Wait( 0.25 );
{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << Select;
window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
Wait( 0.25 );
{window:lbMajor, window:lbMinor} << DeSelect;
window:lbMajor << Inval << Update Window;
<<Enable( 0 )
Button Box( "Cancel", Throw( "!Canceled Analysis" ) )
X[1] == "VTX", Xparam = "VTX",
X[1] == "VTN", Xparam = "VTN",
X[1] == "VTP", Xparam = "VTP",
X[1] == "IDS", Xparam = "IDS",
X[1] == "IBB", Xparam = "IBB",
X[1] == "VTF", Xparam = "VTF",
X[1] == "ILK", Xparam = "ILK",
X[1] == "CMI", Xparam = "CMI"
Y[1] == "VTX", Yparam = "VTX",
Y[1] == "VTN", Yparam = "VTN",
Y[1] == "VTP", Yparam = "VTP",
Y[1] == "IDS", Yparam = "IDS",
Y[1] == "IBB", Yparam = "IBB",
Y[1] == "VTF", Yparam = "VTF",
Y[1] == "ILK", Yparam = "ILK",
Y[1] == "CMI", Yparam = "CMI"
Show( Xparam );
Show( Yparam );
For( i = 1, i <= N Cols( dt ), i++,
Contains( Munger( Head Name( As Namespace( colList[i] ) ), 0, 3 ), Xparam )
& Contains(
Head Name( As Namespace( colList[i] ) ),
"% Delta From Target"
Column( colList[i] ) << Set Selected( 1 )
target = dt << get selected columns();
found_list = {};
Show( target );
New Window( "Compilation",
For( j = 1, j <= N Items( target ), j++,
Munger( Head Name( As Namespace( target[j] ) ), 0, 3 ),
Connected = Substitute( Head Name( As Namespace( target[j] ) ),
Xparam, Yparam
Insert Into( found_list, Connected );
biv = Bivariate(
Y( Column( dt, found_list[j] ) ),
X( Column( dt, target[j] ) ),
Automatic Recalc( 1 ),
"Bivar Plot",
{Frame Size( 470, 470 ),
Add Graphics Script(
Description( "" ),
Transparency( 0.5 );
Pen Color( "Red" );
Fill Color( "Red" );
Oval( -100, -100, 100, 100, 1 );
Pen Color( "Green" );
Fill Color( "Green" );
Oval( -90, -90, 90, 90, 1 );
Pen Color( "Blue" );
Fill Color( "Blue" );
Oval( -80, -80, 80, 80, 1 );
Pen Color( "Black" );
Line( [-110 0 110], [0 0 0] );
Line( [0 0 0], [-110 0 110] );
ms = Report( biv )[FrameBox( 1 )] << Find Seg( Marker Seg( 1 ) );
xs = ms << Get X Values|/110;
ys = ms << Get Y Values|/110;
val = Max( Max( Abs( xs ) ), Max( Abs( ys ) ) );
xaxis = Report( biv )[AxisBox( 1 )];
yaxis = Report( biv )[AxisBox( 2 )];
xaxis << Min( -1 * val ) << Max( val );
yaxis << Min( -1 * val ) << Max( val );