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Level III

Area under a curve for multiple "X,Y" cycles, when every Y cycle has unique shape


I have a data set where:

x = hour
y = average tree water use [out 3, 2 or 1 values due to data loss]

This cycle repeats for months at the time [24 hours per day], and every day "y" has a different pattern. Here is a three-day sample data:

9379_Screen Shot 2015-08-01 at 10.59.53 AM.png

Adding up hours is an easy way to do it, but assumes water use was the same during the entire hour [wrong assumption].

Is there a better way to integrate the area under each curve so that the resolution of "y" is not one hour?

I already tried fitting various non-linear models from the Model Library, but none yields favorable results, and can't make them adaptive to the daily changes in curve shape of "y".

Next I am going to try a Gaussian Process to see if I can get to increase the resolution.

Thank you,


Super User (Alumni)

Re: Area under a curve for multiple "X,Y" cycles, when every Y cycle has unique shape

The best way to do this is a riemann sum.  If all of your x intervals are the same then you can just do the sum and multiply by your interval. 

So just add up all of your points in the day and multiply 1 in this case. 

Vince Faller - Predictum
Level III

Re: Area under a curve for multiple "X,Y" cycles, when every Y cycle has unique shape

Hi Vince,

Any idea how to do this in JMP?

Super User (Alumni)

Re: Area under a curve for multiple "X,Y" cycles, when every Y cycle has unique shape

Here's a function that will give you a new column of area.  It's not smart enough right now to be able to run while you have reports open so just make sure the window can be sorted. 

All you need to do is run the function then call riemann_sum()

riemann_sum = Function(

       {dt = Current Data Table(), xcol = "Pick", ycol = "Pick", bycol = "Pick"},


       Current Data Table( dt );

       If( xcol == "Pick",

              nc = N Col( dt );

              lbwidth = 130;

              nw = New Window( "Reimann Sum",


                     Border Box( Left( 3 ), top( 2 ),

                           V List Box(

                                  Text Box( "Gets the Area under a curve" ),

                                  H List Box(

                                         V List Box(

                                                Panel Box( "Select Columns",

                                                       colListData = Col List Box( All, width( lbWidth ), nLines( Min( nc, 10 ) ) )



                                         Panel Box( "Cast Selected Columns into Roles",

                                                Lineup Box( N Col( 2 ), Spacing( 3 ),

                                                       Button Box( "Y, Columns", colListY << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),

                                                       colListY = Col List Box(

                                                              width( lbWidth ),

                                                              nLines( 1 ),

                                                              maxselected( 1 ),

                                                              minItems( 1 ),



                                                       Button Box( "X", colListX << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),

                                                       colListX = Col List Box(

                                                              width( lbWidth ),

                                                              nLines( 1 ),

                                                              maxselected( 1 ),

                                                              minItems( 1 ),



                                                       Button Box( "By", colListB << Append( colListData << GetSelected ) ),

                                                       colListB = Col List Box( width( lbWidth ), nLines( 1 ), maxselected( 1 ) )



                                         Panel Box( "Action",

                                                Lineup Box( N Col( 1 ),

                                                       Button Box( "OK",

                                                              ycol = Column((colListY << Get Items)[1]);

                                                              xcol = Column((colListX << Get Items)[1]);

                                                              nby = nitems(colListB << Get Items);


                                                                     bycol = Column((colListB << Get Items)[1]),

                                                                     bycol = New Column("Fakeby", Formula(char(1)));



                                                       Button Box( "Cancel", nw << CloseWindow ),

                                                       Text Box( " " ),

                                                       Button Box( "Remove",

                                                              colListY << RemoveSelected;

                                                              colListX << RemoveSelected;

                                                              colListB << RemoveSelected;











       Summarize( list_by = By( bycol ) );

       dt << Sort(//sorts to make sure x's are in order

              By( bycol, xcol ),

              Order( Ascending, Ascending ),

              Replace Table


       list_valuesx = xcol << get values;

       list_valuesy = ycol << get values;

       Wait( 0.1 );

       aa = Associative Array();

       For( i = 1, i <= N Items( list_by ), i++,

              dt << clear select;

              list_rows = dt << get rows where( bycol[Row()] == list_by );

              //dif_x and sum_y are where the magic happens

              dif_x = list_valuesx[list_rows[2 :: (N Row( list_rows ))]] - list_valuesx[list_rows[1 :: (

              N Row( list_rows ) - 1)]];

              sum_y = .5 * (list_valuesy[list_rows[2 :: (N Row( list_rows ))]] + list_valuesy[list_rows[1 :: (

              N Row( list_rows ) - 1)]]);

              aa[list_by] = Sum( dif_x :* sum_y );


       dt << New Column( "Integral", numeric, continuous, formula( aa[bycol[Row()]] ) );

       Column( dt, "Integral" ) << delete formula;//makes it then kills it so aa can stay local

       if(!nby, dt<<Delete Columns({bycol}));


Vince Faller - Predictum
Level III

Re: Area under a curve for multiple "X,Y" cycles, when every Y cycle has unique shape

This looks interesting!

Let me give it a try and I will get back to you.