It's not exactly super user friendly, but even all of these steps are still ~3 times faster (436:135 us) on my computer when running the vector vs the column. There are definitely optimizations you could do to this to make it faster too. When I put it to 1000 rows it was ~4 times faster(1057:227us). Also, apparently they got rid of Apply, my bad.
dt = New Table( "Test" );
dt << New Column( "RandomList", Numeric, Continuous, <<Set Values( Random Index( 10 ^ 3, 10 ^ 3 ) ) );
time_column = HPTime();
dt << New Column( "DesFunc",
If( Row() == 1,
If( Mod( Lag( :RandomList ), 2 ) == 0,
:RandomList[Row()] + 1,
:RandomList[Row()] - 1
time_column = HPTime()-time_column;
lag_matrix = Function( {mat, lag},
n = N Rows( mat );
lag_vector = 1 :: n;
empty_mat = J( Abs( lag ), N Cols( mat ), . );
If( lag > 0,
lag_vector = lag_vector[1 :: n - Abs( lag )];
new_mat = empty_mat |/ mat[lag_vector, 0];
, //else
lag_vector = lag_vector[Abs( lag ) + 1 :: n];
new_mat = mat[lag_vector, 0] |/ empty_mat;
v = Column( dt, "RandomList" ) << Get Values;
check_vector = Column(dt, "DesFunc") << Get Values;
time_vector = HPTime();
//lag the vector
lv = lag_matrix(v, 1);
//mod the vector
mod_vector = lv / 2 - floor(lv/2);
//find the mods you want
loc_vector = loc(mod_vector==0);
//invert to find the mods you don't want
invert_vector = J(nrows(v), 1);
invert_vector[loc_vector] = 0;
invert_vector = loc(invert_vector);
//assign values
v[loc_vector] = v[loc_vector] + 1;
v[invert_vector] = v[invert_vector] - 1;
//set first row to 0
v[1] = 0;
time_vector = HPTime()-time_vector;
show(all(v == check_vector));
show(time_column, time_vector);
Hope this helps a little.