I'm not sure that there is an out-of-the-box method, but you can script the functionality. Here is an example:
dt = Current Data Table();
lstColNames = dt << Get Column Names(string);
New Window("Test",
Lineup Box(NCOl(1),
teb = Text Edit Box("",<<Hint("search string"),<<Set Script(DoSearch())),
clb = Col List Box()
clb << Set Items(lstColNames);
DoSearch = Function({},{Default Local},
str = teb << Get Text;
If (Trim(str)=="",
dt = Current Data Table();
lstColNames = dt << Get Column Names(string);
clb << Set Items(lstColNames);
lstColNames = clb << Get Items;
lstMatch = {};
For (i=1,i<=NItems(lstColNames),i++,
colName = lstColNames[i];
If (Contains(colName,str),
clb << Set Items(lstMatch);