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Adding local data filter to a output window

Level I

Hi folks, I'm trying to build a data dashboard from multiple graphs. In the output windows, there are a few different graphs that I'm pulling from different scripts. One of them I need to add in local data filter in th graph. Here is how I'm doing it currently:

1. in the graph A script, I'm putting it as 

G_graph_A = Outline Box ("Graph A",
DT << Contour Plot(
X( x, y ),
Y( Value ),
Local Data filter ( Add Filter( columns(filterA, filterB),
Display( filterA, Size( 112, 530 ), Check Box Display ),
Display( filterB, Size( 144, 926 ), Check Box Display )))

2. in output window script, I'm writing it as:

	Tab Box("DATA",
		V List Box( DATE, G_graph_A, G_graph_B)

However in the output window, only graph is showing and graph A local data filter is not showing. Could you please help to take a look at what might have go wrong?

Also, I'm wondering how I could generate another tab box separately for G_graph_B?

Thank you very much for the help!

Super User

Re: Adding local data filter to a output window

What do you have in filterA and filterB?

Names Default To Here(1); 

dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA/Big");

ob = Outline Box("Graph A",
	gb = dt << Graph Builder(
		Size(525, 586),
		Show Control Panel(0),
		Variables(X(:weight), Y(:height), Overlay(:sex)),
		Elements(Points(X, Y, Legend(9)), Line Of Fit(X, Y, Legend(11))),
		Local Data Filter(
			Add Filter(
				columns(:name, :age),
				Display(:name, N Items(15), Find(Set Text(""))),
				Display(:age, N Items(6))

nw= New Window("DATA", 
	Tab Box(
		Tab Page Box("DATA", 
			V List Box(ob)

Use Tab Page Box with Tab Box to create separate tabs


Re: Adding local data filter to a output window

Hi Jarmo, thank you very much for the response. I'm still seeing these two issues:

1. I did exact same thing as your example (local data filter within the contour plot), however it doesn't show up in the output window still. I tried to output same filter as a data filter and was able to do that. In filter A and filterB, I have IDs in character. This is what I tried:

G_graph_A = Outline Box ("Graph A",
gb = DT << Contour Plot(
X( x, y ),
Y( Value ),
Local Data filter ( Add Filter( columns(filterA, filterB),
Display( filterA, Size( 112, 530 ), Check Box Display ),
Display( filterB, Size( 144, 926 ), Check Box Display )),

2. For the tab page box, I tried yours and it's not responding as a function.