Hi @Mathej01,
If you only have 2 factors and are interested by middle values, I would recommend using a "traditional" response surface model, like a Central Composite Design. This type of design will also be generated by the Custom Design platform as well when you specify a model with main effects, interactions and quadratic effects (with more flexibility on the runs size).
If you use the Custom Design platform, in order to include middle values in the design, you need to include the quadratic effects of each factor (temperature*temperature and speed*speed). It's also interesting to keep the interaction term in the model if you want to assess any interaction between these two factors (synergistic or antagonist effect) :

Depending on which platform you use, you'll have various possibilities with different runs size, from a minimum of 6 (with Custom Design), to different higher runs size with Classical Response Surface Design platform (DoE, Classical, Response Surface Design) :

You can try to generate several Response Surface Designs with the two platforms and compare the most promising designs with the Compare Designs Platform.
I hope this first answer will help you,
"It is not unusual for a well-designed experiment to analyze itself" (Box, Hunter and Hunter)