Thank you, Jim, this was fast!
This almost takes me to the goalpost. I am now able to generate the texts like I want.
However, if a save a graph made in this way as a script I get something like this:
Graph Builder(
Size( 528, 456 ),
Show Control Panel( 0 ),
Variables( X( :weight ), Y( :height ) ),
Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 3 ) ), Smoother( X, Y, Legend( 4 ) ) ),
"Graph Builder",
{Add Graphics Script(
Description( "" ),
xMin = Report( gb )[axisbox( 1 )] << get min;
yMin = Report( gb )[axisbox( 2 )] << get min;
Text Color( "red" );
Right Justified,
{xMin + 46, yMin + 1},
"Metadata1 " || Format( Today(), "yyyymmdd" ) || "/OwnerName"
Right Justified,
{xMin + 32, yMin + 0.1},
"path c:tmp/graph-01.jrp"
and if i try to run the script I get an error
>object not subscriptable in access or evaluation of 'Report(gb)[ /*###*/axisbox(1)]' , Report( gb )[/*###*/axisbox( 1 )]
which i think makes sense, since the "gb" is not defined within the script. Is there any way around this problem?