I have an add-in that I deploy and maintain at a customer site with dozens of users. The problem is that when I deliver a new version, the users have to update. This customer has the google suite, so I drop the new version each time on a private google Drive directory , and the users have to retrieve this new version each time to update. We all agree that this is very time-consuming, not optimized and a source of errors if the user forgets...
I'd seen the "Add-in Manager" add-in (https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMP-Add-Ins/Add-In-Manager/ta-p/43736), which allows you to manage add-ins, except that you have to specify a PROD folder to which all users must have access. Usually it's a shared folder (https://community.jmp.com/t5/JMPer-Cable/Add-In-Manager-Part-2-Deploying-auto-updating-add-ins-to-us... ... But I've asked IT and it's not possible to create a shared folder for all these users. The PROD folder must correspond to the web address of the private google drive directory where I traditionally store versions. Is it possible to adapt Add-in manager to have a web address at the base instead of a shared folder?