Thanks @JMPUser5400 ,
This is exactly what I was hoping to see. I have tried the gene 7092 by itself and with all other genes and get the same p-value as you did within JMP Genomics. I tried using JMP by itself (gene 7092 as Y and the two groups as X in Fit Y by X, either using One-way ANOVA or Contingency) and get a very small p-value that would satisfy the cutoff of -log10(p-value) = 1.3 cutoff and thus statistically significant. I would contact technical support ( to figure out why there is such a difference since I cannot explain why it would be so very different. I too must be missing something.
You can also use the Response Screening platform under Analyze>Screening menu at the top and be able to perform the same task as JMP Genomics ANOVA. The only difference is that you would have to import the Excel file within JMP (easy drag and drop and make sure the first two rows are headers), Transpose the data, then parse out the column with group and sample info into two columns (text to columns under Cols>Utilities). The output of response screening does not give you a volcano plot, but if you choose Save Compare Means from the red triangle next to Response Screening, you can then make a volcano plot using difference as X and then create a column that transforms Plain Dif PValue to -log10(p-value) to plot on Y.
Question: When you calculate LSMeans by hand, how are you doing it?
By the way, we are using SAS PROC GLIMMIX for the ANOVA model in JMP Genomics (Overview: PROC GLIMMIX :: SAS/STAT(R) 13.1 User's Guide). This link has a lot of details and options that we do not use in JMP Genomics, but gives the basis of the mathematics behind each option, when appropriate.
Also to note, the p-values shown in the volcano plot are not FDR corrected. Only the horizontal line (cutoff) is corrected. So when you use the Enter new -log10(p) cutoff value of 1.3, it is showing a line for the cutoff of each gene with an uncorrected p-value.
Chris Kirchberg, M.S.2
Data Scientist, Life Sciences - Global Technical Enablement
JMP Statistical Discovery, LLC. - Denver, CO
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