@Botzal, please search for Open Database() in the JMP Scripting Index >> Functions. This function has 2 required and 2 option arguments:
- the connect string
- the query string
- <invisible | private> property for the output table, you likely do not want this
- <output table name>
You have been using one string for the first two arguments. It is difficult to debug and see this when we do not have test files to use. Remove the comment lines for dt_ScadaData to test if it runs. Remove the comment lines for NW if you want the UI to automatically close. You might want it to remain open so you can pull several tables. If that is what you want, then Eval Insert Into(qstr), replaces the place holder variables foo[1] and foo[2]. So just in case you intend to use the UI more than once, I created a variable cq_str which is assigned the variable string. So this should work. I typically do not use Eval Insert Into() but instead something like cq_str = Eval Insert(q_str);
LB = Lineup Box(1);
LB << Append(
PB_Inputs = Panel Box("User Inputs",
a = Text Edit Box( "" ), //foo[1]
b = Text Edit Box( "" ), // foo[2]
q_connect = "DRIVER=SQL Server;SERVER=MyServer;Trusted_Connection=Yes";
q_str = "DECLARE @StartDateTime datetime = DATEADD(day, -2, CAST(GETDATE() AS varchar(11)))
DECLARE @EndDateTime datetime = DATEADD(day,0, GETDATE())
EXEC ListData @Criteria=
<Data Name=\!"PointData\!" Format=\!"Wide\!" Interval=\!"60m\!">
<Column Name=\!"Point\!" Project=\!"^foo[1]^\!" Value=\!"^foo[2]^\!"/>
, @StartDateTime=@StartDateTime
, @EndDateTime=@EndDateTime
Scada Data";
MyUI = V List Box(LB,
BB_UserInputUnload = Button Box("Ok",
foo = Eval List( {a << get text, b << get text} );
Show( foo );
cq_str = q_str;
Eval Insert Into(cq_str);
//dt_ScadaData = Open Database(q_connect, cq_str); //this is the runit command
//NW << Close Window(); //this will close the UI don't use if you want to keep ist open
) //end ButtonBox
); //end VListBox
NW = New Window("User Input Collection Window",
VLB = V List Box();
VLB << Append(MyUI);