I like to replace the values for
Column Names Start(2),
Data Starts( 3 ) );
as a variable like Headstart=2, DataStart=3 in Column Names Start(HeadStart). I used
Eval(Parse( " Column Names Start("||HeadStart||")," ));
I get no error but the results are not correct.
I appreciate your help. Thanks
For( iii = 1, iii <= nf, iii++, //this starts the first loop
filenow = (filelist[iii]);
dt = Open( filenow, private,
Column Names Start(2),
Data Starts( 3 ) );
New Column( "Source", Character, Nominal );
:Source << set each value( filenow );
//dt<<new column("Source", character, nominal)<<set each value(9999);
dt << Run Formulas();
//add the current table to the bottom of the combined data table
cctable << Concatenate( Data Table( dt ), Append to first table );
//don't use "Create Source Column" argument
Close( dt, NoSave );//after concatenating the table, close it and move on
);//end of the first for loop