Frank Deruyck, Lecturer, HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts
In this presentation an optimal DOE and statistical models are created to maximize performance of a chemical looping process with CO2 capture to generate H2 and synthesis gas, potential new recourses for energy and circular economy. The complex fluidized-bed reactor used is subject to several possible interacting and quadratic effects, as well as random noise, so a thoughtful experimental and modelling strategy is necessary. In JMP the DOE and analysis platforms offer a wide variety of DOE preparation and model fitting options. This paper will illustrate how to decide between an orthogonal RSM, custom DOE and a DSD based on R&D criteria and goals, and model objectives and DOE diagnostics such as power, factor correlation and variance profile. Model building occurs by screening out effective factors using stepwise regression (fixed factor forward selection and all possible models) followed by REML analysis eliminating random noise variance. Useful models for methane conversion and synthesis gas yield are obtained and supported by additional validation experiments. The profiler desirability function is used to compute the optimal operation conditions. This work demonstrates the possibility of optimizing a complex technological process with a careful DOE setting and statistical modeling approach.