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Can the Earth count on you to do your part?


What's one small change you're willing to pledge to improve on over the next year? Or what's something you're already doing to reduce your carbon footprint?


Re: Can the Earth count on you to do your part?

Hi @katie_stone - I pledge to reduce my single-use plastics; eat less meat; and continue to compost and make my own lotion and lip balm.  

Re: Can the Earth count on you to do your part?

Thanks for asking this @Katie_stone.  I will continue to make lotion and lip balm (and make-up remover), and use bar shampoo.  We continue to use cloth napkins, compost, use fabric produce and grocery bags.  We support community-based agriculture and one of our vehicles is electric.  Seeking to further reduce our use of plastics and find more ways and things to recycle (did you know you can recycle your jeans and wine corks: and    

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