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Improve JSL script appearance

The insert JSL script button needs a bit of work.  I would prefer if it didn't use a proportional font.  Also the syntax colorization gets lost sometimes.  Bottom line is that it doesn't match what you see in the JSL editor at all.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Investigating

We've changed the font to be all monospaced. We will continue to make improvements to the color coding as we're able. We have to use simple regex to identify keywords and color them, so it will likely never match exactly. Would it be better to have no color coding?

Super User

Color is very nice to have.  Plus it matches what you see in the JSL editor.

Community Manager
Status changed to: Delivered

Hi @pmroz,

With some recent changes to the User Community, we did some work to improve our syntax highlighting for JSL. You should now see a much closer match to the syntax highlighting that you would see in the Script Editor.

Let me know if something doesn't look right.
