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Member Spotlight: Aziza
Member Spotlight Banner.jpg Community members are known by their usernames. You come to know their personas as they ask and answer questions, share best practices, or write blog posts. Now you can get to know the Community members behind the usernames in our Member Spotlight series. The series is designed to foster greater connections between our Community members. 


@Aziza  answers a few of our questions


How long have you been a JMP User?

It seems like forever, but in reality it is my 7th year of experience


What is one (or more) of your favorite hobbies?

Muscle building combined with sports nutrition (I have plenty of hobbies actually, not sure which of them is my favorite :D)


Tell us a podcast, television series, book or movie you found entertaining in the last year.

A podcast: Nutrition Diva; Television series: The Royals; Book: Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscles by Tom Venuto; Movie: Enola Holmes


Give one reason you are a Community member or one aspect you like about the Community.

JMP community for me is the most alive and dynamic community where I get answers to all my questions fast and from the great experts.


This or That: What do you prefer?

  • Cake or pie? Depends on the mood
  • Morning or late night? Depends on the activity
  • JSL or Graph Builder? Depends on the objective
  • Mountains or beach? Depends on the body need


Thanks for letting us get to know you, @Aziza.  We appreciate all you do.


Interested in participating with your own member spotlight?

The Community would love to learn more about you. Contact @Ryan_Gilmore to get started.

Last Modified: Apr 7, 2023 10:50 AM
Level III

@Aziza, you are surely an interesting person! 

Thanks for being with us here in the forum!


Super User

Thanks for your positivity and happy mood @Aziza !

"It depends ..." : Classical statistician answer

Level IV

Ahaha, thank you too! Positivity is the spirit of this great JMP community and I am so in love with that!

Level VI

Really solomonic answers.


Thanks @Aziza for not only being such a fantastic JMP customer, but even more so an amazing, positive and humble person. We are so grateful for you. 


@Aziza YOU are a rockstar and I am grateful to collaborate with you. I love your "it depends answers" as well :-).

And on top I learned something new: I will check out your mentioned media resources!


Thanks @Aziza for sharing! I love the "it depends" motto as it is so true also in the JMP and data analytics or DOE world. 

Love working with you directly for already such a long time. It almost feels like being colleagues

Level IV

And I love you All! You all are like a family for me. It is certainly more than just a strategic partnership. It is a holistic connection that I have towards all of you. I am grateful for everything

Level III

Let me add ... that the pleasure is _all_ ours.