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Query Builder (2022-US-EPO-1160)

Extracting and combining data from multiple, disconnected databases was one of the biggest challenges encountered at Samson Rope Technologies before our investment in JMP Statistical Software. With the incredibly useful JMP Query Builder, this challenge has been economically addressed.


This presentation describes the way Samson uses the JMP Query Builder to easily extract desired records and fields from a single database (leaving behind the fields that are not of interest) and, more importantly, extract desired records and fields from multiple databases and combine them into a single “master table” file with all required data in one place, ready for rigorous statistical analysis, typically by an R&D Engineer, Quality Engineer or Manufacturing Engineer working on a continuous improvement project.


One of the best JMP features is that JMP creates scripts behind the scenes and if the scripts are properly managed, there is no need to spend time repeating the previous steps to create or update the “master table”. And, the best part of the JMP Query Builder is that we can create complex JMP scripts just by simple “copy and paste” and combination of the scripts JMP creates for each previous action. No background in scripting or coding is needed to create a JMP script!


This poster will be highly graphical in nature, drawing the attention of the viewer to the practical, useful benefits of the JMP Query Builder. Any organization with multiple databases containing important information should benefit from this poster.



Hello. My  name  is  Canh  Khong.

I  work  at  Samson  Rope  Technology in  Ferndale,  Washington  State.

Today,  I  am  talking  about  how  to  build  a Query Builder  using  JMP  software.

Let's  start  with  a  working  table   that  has a few columns

such  as  date,  operator i nitial,  job  number,  actual  measurements.

The  working  table  is  just for  manual  data  collection.

To  analyze,  we  may  need  to  add more information  from  other  tables.

How  can  I  do  that? The  answer  is  using  a Query  Builder.

Query  Builder  can  extract desired columns from  other  tables

and join these columns to  the  working table that  I  call  the  Master  Table.

The  Master  Table  has  all   of  the  information  needed  for  analysis.

Here  are  a  few  steps  to build a Query Builder

to  join  the  working  table   to  another  table.

These  steps  are  as  simple   as  point,  click,   drag and drop.

Now,  the  Master  Table   is  ready  for  data  analysis.

However,  if  needed,  a  new  column with  a  formula  can  be  manually  created

adding  to  the  Master  Table,

and  JMP  will  automatically  create the  corresponding  script  of  a  new  column.

Copy  and  paste  the  script to  the  Post Query Script.

If  this  is  done,  there  is  no  need to  spend  time  to  recreate  the  new  column.

The  new  column  will  be  updated  and  shown every  time  the  Query  Builder  runs.

If  desired,  the  report can  be  manually  created.

And  JMP will  create   the  corresponding  script.

Copy  and  paste the  script to  the  Post  Query  Script.

If  this  is  done,  there's  no  need to  spend  time  to  recreate  the  report.

The  report  will  be  automatically  updated

and  shown  every  time  the  Query  Builder  runs.

If  desired,  a  chart  can  be  manually  created

and JMP will  create   the  corresponding  script.

Copy  and  paste the  script to  the  Post  Query  Script.

If  this  is  done,  there  is  no  need to  spend  time  to  recreate  the  chart.

The  chart  will  be   automatically  updated

and  shown  every  time the  Query  Builder  runs.

One  click  to  run  the   Query Builder.

This  will  produce the  updated  Master  Table,

the  report,  and  the   chart as desired.

Query Builder  Summary.

Combine  tables.

Select only desired columns  from tables.

Create  columns  with  formulas   and  create  reports.

Copy  and  paste  the  scripts  of  columns and  reports  into  Post  Query  Script.

Scripting  experience  is  not  needed   to  build  a  Query  Builder.

Creating  a  Query  Builder  is  as  simple   as " point,  click,  drag  and  drop".

With  this  summary,   that  concludes  my  presentation.

Thank  you.
