Has your world changed in the past couple of years? Ours has too! We hope our changes will make your job easier. This talk will present our newly-free and low-cost options to educate your engineers and scientists. We offer instructor-led courses on our public schedule and will add courses to the public schedule on request. If you have instructors in-house, we can provide them with our course materials, and they can adapt our demonstrations to use data relevant to your students. We also have free self-paced eLearning available. We are looking for ways to help you even more! What topics do you want to see for half-hour Mastering JMP sessions, one-hour Deeper Dive sessions, or multi-day analytics education? What times should we offer these sessions? In-person or remote? This session will include time to gather your feedback.



I'm  Di  Michelson  from  JMP  Education.  I'm  happy  to  be  with  you  today  to  talk  about  the  resources  that  JMP  Education  has  to  offer  you.  They  are  centered  around  learning  how  to  get  the  most  out  of  JMP,  including  both  how  to  use  JMP  and  how  to  use  statistical  and  analytical  methods  in  JMP.  In  the  live  session  at  the  end  of  this  recorded  talk,  I'll  provide  links  for  where  to  find  the  content  in  the  talk.  I  also  want  to  get  your  feedback  of  how  the  JMP  Education  group  can  provide  even  more  services  to  you  and  your  company's  JMP  users.

I'm  part  of  the  JMP  Education  group,  managed  by  Ruth  Hummel.  Monica  Beals  is  also  part  of  the  group,  maybe  some  of  you  know  her.  Together,  we  have  over  40  years  experience  teaching  people  how  to  collect  and  analyze  data  to  get  the  information  needed  to  make  smart  decisions,  mostly  using  our  favorite  software,  JMP.

Today,  I  want  to  talk  about  what  we  can  offer,  and  to  get  your  feedback  on  other  ways  we  can  help  you  to   Learn JMP  and  analytics.  We'll  talk  about  eLearning,  instructor  led  classes,  a  new  way  for  your  trainers  to  develop  courses  quickly  using  our  course  materials,  as  well  as  the  one  place  for  you  to  learn  about  JMP,  the  new   Learn JMP  space  in  the  JMP  user  community.

Let's  start  with  free,  on  demand,   self-paced  eLearning.  We  converted  some  of  our  paid  eLearning  courses  to  free  courses  in  2022.  Of  course,  you  know  STIPS.  It's  been  available  for  quite  a  few  years.  STIPS  is  a  very  broad  course  with  over  30  hours  of  self- paced  learning  on  many  analytical  methods,  and  you  can  integrate  STIPS  into  your  academic  or  corporate  training  program.

JMP  Educations'  analytical  eLearning  courses  go  deeper  into  statistical  methods  and  JMP  usage  than  STIPS  does.  We  have   self-paced  eLearning  on  many  topics  and  released  both  our  introductory  JSL  course  and  our  SPC  course  last  year.  By  the  time  you  see  this  recording,  I  hope  that  a  few  more  courses  will  have  been  released.  Our  plan  is  to  convert  all  courses  available  in  the  JMP  learning  subscription,  which  is  currently  a  paid  service,  to  free  eLearning.

Data  Exploration  is  our  most  popular  course.  It  teaches  students  how  to  use  JMP  by  means  of  several  case  studies.  That  course  is  usually  followed  by  ANOVA  and  regression,  which  teaches  the  basics  of  statistical  modeling.  The  custom  DOE  course  teaches  the   principles  of  design,  so  you  can  use  the  custom  design  platform  in  JMP,  to  collect  the  data  needed  for  analysis  with  statistical  models  to  enable  you  to  make  good  decisions  about  your  processes.

There  are  two  other  courses  currently  in  the  JMP  learning  subscription  that  we're  planning  on  converting  to  eLearning.  Our  classic  DOE  course,  which  covers  fractional,  factorial,  and  response  surface  designs,  in  a  different  way  than  our  custom  DOE  course.  We  also  have  a  course  on  stability  analysis,  which  is  written  for  those  in  the  pharmaceutical  industry  doing  shelf  life  studies.

Here's  an  example  from  our  SPC  course.  Each  lesson  consists  of  videos  of  theory  of  control  charts  or  process  capability,  along  with  demonstration in JMP ,  along  with  quizzes  and  practices  to  help  you  retain  what  you've  learned.   Self-paced  eLearning  is  great,  especially  when  you  need  to  learn  control  charts  at  2  AM.  But  some  people  learn  better  with  an  instructor,  and  for  you,  we  also  offer  instructor- led  classes  that  are  live.  These  are  public  classes  with  students  from  many  different  companies  and  industries.

We  organize  these  courses  into  these  buckets,  and  currently,  Monica,  Ruth,  and  I  are  teaching  a  few  times  per  month.  We  have  many  courses,  ranging  from  how  to  get  started  with  JMP  and  analytics  through  designing  experiments.  We  have  three  courses  on  designing  experiments.  The  first  one  here  is  general,  and  the  next  two  are  for  specific  types  of  experiments.

We  have  classes  on  quality  improvement,  including  quantifying  the  variability  in  your  process  that  is  due  to  your  gage,  measurement  systems  analysis.  Also,  controlling  the  variability  of  your  process  using  control  charts,  statistical  process  control,  and  analyzing  time- to- event  data  in  our  reliability  analysis  class.

We  have  lots  of  courses  on  advanced  analytics,  including  platforms  in  JMP  Pro,  like  analyzing  many  response  variables  at  once,  modeling  categorical  or  discrete  responses,  functional  data  analysis,  text  analysis,  generalized  regression,  and  methods  for  explanatory  modeling,  and  predictive  modeling.  We  also  have  two  scripting  courses,  the  introductory  course  that  teaches  you  the  language,  and  a  course  that  takes  you  through  two  examples  of  designing  and  building  a  production  script,  including  building  an  interactive  user  interface,  pulling  data  by  querying  different  data  sources,  building  custom  reports,  and  then  presenting  results  back  to  the  user.

The  public  course  schedule  is  in  the   Learn JMP  space  in  the  community  and  on  jmp.c om/ training.  I'll  take  you  there  after  this  recorded  talk  is  finished.  From  this  page,  you  can  see  the  course  descriptions  and  the  schedule  as  well  as  register  for  classes.

One  thing  I'm  excited  to  tell  you  about  is  we've  recently  implemented  a  request  a  course  button,  and  that's  for  you  to  use  if  you  look  at  our  public  schedule  and  don't  see  a  course  that  you  want  to  take  on  the  schedule,  or  you  found  the  course  but  it's  not  scheduled  at  a  time  that's  convenient  to  you,  especially  in  Europe,  then  you  can  click  the  request  a  course  button  and  ask  us  to  put  a  course  on  the  public  schedule  at  a  date  and  time  that's  convenient  to  you.  You  can  also  use  the  request  a  course  button  if  you  just  want  to  be  notified  when  we  add  a  particular  course  to  the  public  schedule.  So  we're  really  excited  about  this  request  a  course  button.  We  hope  it  will  be  useful  for  you  to  tell  us  when  you  want  to  take  instructor  led  courses.

We've talked  about  on- demand  eLearning  and  public  instructor- led  classes.  Now  let's  talk  about  how  your  trainers  can  use  our  course  materials  in  their  course  development  process.  We  are  providing  free  of  charge  our  course  materials,  and  that's  the  power point  slides,  the  PDF  file  of  the  course  notes,  and  the  course  data,  and  for  most  classes,  that's  a  JMP  Journal.  You  can  request  access  from  your  sales  team,  your  account  manager,  and  your  JMP  systems  engineer.  If  you  don't  know  who  they  are,  ask  your  JMP  administrator.  You'll  sign  a  contract  with  some  very  basic  terms  of  use,  and  you  can  modify  our  materials  as  much  as  you  want,  including  replacing  our  data  in  the  demonstrations  and  practices,  with  data  that  are  relevant  to  your  learners.  We  hope  that  your  trainers  will  be  able  to  use  the  courses  that  we  have  created  to  quickly  create  more  relevant  learning  content  for  your  company.

Here  are  those  categories  of  courses  again,  with  the  number  of  courses  that  have  course  material  available  within  each  category.   If  your  trainer  wants  to  see  how  we  teach  the  course,  have  them  come  to  a  public  class,  or  use  that  request  a  course  button  to  ask  us  to  schedule  a  public  class  at  a  time  that's  convenient  to  them.  W e've  talked  about  the  courses  that  JMP  Education  has  to  offer.  There's  much  more  JMP  learning  content  at  the   Learn JMP  page  in  the  user  community.  Just  go  to  jmp.c om/ community  and  click  on   Learn JMP.

Our  vision  is  for   Learn JMP  to  be  the  one  place  to  access  all  JMP  learning  materials.  All  the  pieces  are  not  there  yet,  but  we  will  be  continually  improving  this  space.  We  want  the   Learn JMP  space  to  be  helpful  for  users  across  the  spectrum,  from  never  having  used  JMP  before,  to  being  a  JMP  expert,  and  new  to  analytics,  to  a  trained  statistician.  The  learning  materials  cover  different  learning  styles  with  live  sessions,  recorded  or  created  videos,  as  well  as  things  to  read.

We  also  organize  by  time  commitment,  from  short  one- page  documents  or  a  five- minute  video  to  a  half- hour  mastering  JMP,  to  full  courses.  A ll  of  the  material  is  organized  according  to  the  JMP  Analytic  Workflow.  It  ranges  from  data  sources  through  visualization  and  analysis  using  JMP  platforms  through  sharing  results  with  JMP  users  and  people  who  don't  have  JMP.  You  can  see  this  JMP  Analytic  workflow  in  action  at  jmp.c om/ workflow.

In  the   Learn JMP  space,  you'll  find  the  brand  new getting  started  in  JMP  on  demand,  and  that's  for  new  JMP  users.  There's  also  lots  of  additional  material  on  how  to  use  JMP.  There's  Mastering  JMP  live  webinars  and  on demand  recordings,  and  there's  our  eLearning  and  instructor- led  courses  that  I  talked  about  earlier.  There's  also  something  new  this  year,  deeper  dive,  and  it  fits  into  that  1- 4  hour  session,  so  it's  longer  than  a  half  hour  mastering  JMP,  but  not  as  in  depth  as  a  two  day  formal  course.

We'll  be  adding  to  the  deeper  dive  topics  as  the  year  goes  on.   Please  let  us  know  what  topics  you  are  interested  in  learning  more  about.  We  want  to  make  learning  content  that  you  want  to  use.

Published on ‎03-25-2024 01:29 PM by Staff | Updated on ‎04-01-2024 02:03 PM

Has your world changed in the past couple of years? Ours has too! We hope our changes will make your job easier. This talk will present our newly-free and low-cost options to educate your engineers and scientists. We offer instructor-led courses on our public schedule and will add courses to the public schedule on request. If you have instructors in-house, we can provide them with our course materials, and they can adapt our demonstrations to use data relevant to your students. We also have free self-paced eLearning available. We are looking for ways to help you even more! What topics do you want to see for half-hour Mastering JMP sessions, one-hour Deeper Dive sessions, or multi-day analytics education? What times should we offer these sessions? In-person or remote? This session will include time to gather your feedback.



I'm  Di  Michelson  from  JMP  Education.  I'm  happy  to  be  with  you  today  to  talk  about  the  resources  that  JMP  Education  has  to  offer  you.  They  are  centered  around  learning  how  to  get  the  most  out  of  JMP,  including  both  how  to  use  JMP  and  how  to  use  statistical  and  analytical  methods  in  JMP.  In  the  live  session  at  the  end  of  this  recorded  talk,  I'll  provide  links  for  where  to  find  the  content  in  the  talk.  I  also  want  to  get  your  feedback  of  how  the  JMP  Education  group  can  provide  even  more  services  to  you  and  your  company's  JMP  users.

I'm  part  of  the  JMP  Education  group,  managed  by  Ruth  Hummel.  Monica  Beals  is  also  part  of  the  group,  maybe  some  of  you  know  her.  Together,  we  have  over  40  years  experience  teaching  people  how  to  collect  and  analyze  data  to  get  the  information  needed  to  make  smart  decisions,  mostly  using  our  favorite  software,  JMP.

Today,  I  want  to  talk  about  what  we  can  offer,  and  to  get  your  feedback  on  other  ways  we  can  help  you  to   Learn JMP  and  analytics.  We'll  talk  about  eLearning,  instructor  led  classes,  a  new  way  for  your  trainers  to  develop  courses  quickly  using  our  course  materials,  as  well  as  the  one  place  for  you  to  learn  about  JMP,  the  new   Learn JMP  space  in  the  JMP  user  community.

Let's  start  with  free,  on  demand,   self-paced  eLearning.  We  converted  some  of  our  paid  eLearning  courses  to  free  courses  in  2022.  Of  course,  you  know  STIPS.  It's  been  available  for  quite  a  few  years.  STIPS  is  a  very  broad  course  with  over  30  hours  of  self- paced  learning  on  many  analytical  methods,  and  you  can  integrate  STIPS  into  your  academic  or  corporate  training  program.

JMP  Educations'  analytical  eLearning  courses  go  deeper  into  statistical  methods  and  JMP  usage  than  STIPS  does.  We  have   self-paced  eLearning  on  many  topics  and  released  both  our  introductory  JSL  course  and  our  SPC  course  last  year.  By  the  time  you  see  this  recording,  I  hope  that  a  few  more  courses  will  have  been  released.  Our  plan  is  to  convert  all  courses  available  in  the  JMP  learning  subscription,  which  is  currently  a  paid  service,  to  free  eLearning.

Data  Exploration  is  our  most  popular  course.  It  teaches  students  how  to  use  JMP  by  means  of  several  case  studies.  That  course  is  usually  followed  by  ANOVA  and  regression,  which  teaches  the  basics  of  statistical  modeling.  The  custom  DOE  course  teaches  the   principles  of  design,  so  you  can  use  the  custom  design  platform  in  JMP,  to  collect  the  data  needed  for  analysis  with  statistical  models  to  enable  you  to  make  good  decisions  about  your  processes.

There  are  two  other  courses  currently  in  the  JMP  learning  subscription  that  we're  planning  on  converting  to  eLearning.  Our  classic  DOE  course,  which  covers  fractional,  factorial,  and  response  surface  designs,  in  a  different  way  than  our  custom  DOE  course.  We  also  have  a  course  on  stability  analysis,  which  is  written  for  those  in  the  pharmaceutical  industry  doing  shelf  life  studies.

Here's  an  example  from  our  SPC  course.  Each  lesson  consists  of  videos  of  theory  of  control  charts  or  process  capability,  along  with  demonstration in JMP ,  along  with  quizzes  and  practices  to  help  you  retain  what  you've  learned.   Self-paced  eLearning  is  great,  especially  when  you  need  to  learn  control  charts  at  2  AM.  But  some  people  learn  better  with  an  instructor,  and  for  you,  we  also  offer  instructor- led  classes  that  are  live.  These  are  public  classes  with  students  from  many  different  companies  and  industries.

We  organize  these  courses  into  these  buckets,  and  currently,  Monica,  Ruth,  and  I  are  teaching  a  few  times  per  month.  We  have  many  courses,  ranging  from  how  to  get  started  with  JMP  and  analytics  through  designing  experiments.  We  have  three  courses  on  designing  experiments.  The  first  one  here  is  general,  and  the  next  two  are  for  specific  types  of  experiments.

We  have  classes  on  quality  improvement,  including  quantifying  the  variability  in  your  process  that  is  due  to  your  gage,  measurement  systems  analysis.  Also,  controlling  the  variability  of  your  process  using  control  charts,  statistical  process  control,  and  analyzing  time- to- event  data  in  our  reliability  analysis  class.

We  have  lots  of  courses  on  advanced  analytics,  including  platforms  in  JMP  Pro,  like  analyzing  many  response  variables  at  once,  modeling  categorical  or  discrete  responses,  functional  data  analysis,  text  analysis,  generalized  regression,  and  methods  for  explanatory  modeling,  and  predictive  modeling.  We  also  have  two  scripting  courses,  the  introductory  course  that  teaches  you  the  language,  and  a  course  that  takes  you  through  two  examples  of  designing  and  building  a  production  script,  including  building  an  interactive  user  interface,  pulling  data  by  querying  different  data  sources,  building  custom  reports,  and  then  presenting  results  back  to  the  user.

The  public  course  schedule  is  in  the   Learn JMP  space  in  the  community  and  on  jmp.c om/ training.  I'll  take  you  there  after  this  recorded  talk  is  finished.  From  this  page,  you  can  see  the  course  descriptions  and  the  schedule  as  well  as  register  for  classes.

One  thing  I'm  excited  to  tell  you  about  is  we've  recently  implemented  a  request  a  course  button,  and  that's  for  you  to  use  if  you  look  at  our  public  schedule  and  don't  see  a  course  that  you  want  to  take  on  the  schedule,  or  you  found  the  course  but  it's  not  scheduled  at  a  time  that's  convenient  to  you,  especially  in  Europe,  then  you  can  click  the  request  a  course  button  and  ask  us  to  put  a  course  on  the  public  schedule  at  a  date  and  time  that's  convenient  to  you.  You  can  also  use  the  request  a  course  button  if  you  just  want  to  be  notified  when  we  add  a  particular  course  to  the  public  schedule.  So  we're  really  excited  about  this  request  a  course  button.  We  hope  it  will  be  useful  for  you  to  tell  us  when  you  want  to  take  instructor  led  courses.

We've talked  about  on- demand  eLearning  and  public  instructor- led  classes.  Now  let's  talk  about  how  your  trainers  can  use  our  course  materials  in  their  course  development  process.  We  are  providing  free  of  charge  our  course  materials,  and  that's  the  power point  slides,  the  PDF  file  of  the  course  notes,  and  the  course  data,  and  for  most  classes,  that's  a  JMP  Journal.  You  can  request  access  from  your  sales  team,  your  account  manager,  and  your  JMP  systems  engineer.  If  you  don't  know  who  they  are,  ask  your  JMP  administrator.  You'll  sign  a  contract  with  some  very  basic  terms  of  use,  and  you  can  modify  our  materials  as  much  as  you  want,  including  replacing  our  data  in  the  demonstrations  and  practices,  with  data  that  are  relevant  to  your  learners.  We  hope  that  your  trainers  will  be  able  to  use  the  courses  that  we  have  created  to  quickly  create  more  relevant  learning  content  for  your  company.

Here  are  those  categories  of  courses  again,  with  the  number  of  courses  that  have  course  material  available  within  each  category.   If  your  trainer  wants  to  see  how  we  teach  the  course,  have  them  come  to  a  public  class,  or  use  that  request  a  course  button  to  ask  us  to  schedule  a  public  class  at  a  time  that's  convenient  to  them.  W e've  talked  about  the  courses  that  JMP  Education  has  to  offer.  There's  much  more  JMP  learning  content  at  the   Learn JMP  page  in  the  user  community.  Just  go  to  jmp.c om/ community  and  click  on   Learn JMP.

Our  vision  is  for   Learn JMP  to  be  the  one  place  to  access  all  JMP  learning  materials.  All  the  pieces  are  not  there  yet,  but  we  will  be  continually  improving  this  space.  We  want  the   Learn JMP  space  to  be  helpful  for  users  across  the  spectrum,  from  never  having  used  JMP  before,  to  being  a  JMP  expert,  and  new  to  analytics,  to  a  trained  statistician.  The  learning  materials  cover  different  learning  styles  with  live  sessions,  recorded  or  created  videos,  as  well  as  things  to  read.

We  also  organize  by  time  commitment,  from  short  one- page  documents  or  a  five- minute  video  to  a  half- hour  mastering  JMP,  to  full  courses.  A ll  of  the  material  is  organized  according  to  the  JMP  Analytic  Workflow.  It  ranges  from  data  sources  through  visualization  and  analysis  using  JMP  platforms  through  sharing  results  with  JMP  users  and  people  who  don't  have  JMP.  You  can  see  this  JMP  Analytic  workflow  in  action  at  jmp.c om/ workflow.

In  the   Learn JMP  space,  you'll  find  the  brand  new getting  started  in  JMP  on  demand,  and  that's  for  new  JMP  users.  There's  also  lots  of  additional  material  on  how  to  use  JMP.  There's  Mastering  JMP  live  webinars  and  on demand  recordings,  and  there's  our  eLearning  and  instructor- led  courses  that  I  talked  about  earlier.  There's  also  something  new  this  year,  deeper  dive,  and  it  fits  into  that  1- 4  hour  session,  so  it's  longer  than  a  half  hour  mastering  JMP,  but  not  as  in  depth  as  a  two  day  formal  course.

We'll  be  adding  to  the  deeper  dive  topics  as  the  year  goes  on.   Please  let  us  know  what  topics  you  are  interested  in  learning  more  about.  We  want  to  make  learning  content  that  you  want  to  use.

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