This November Fujifilm Diosynth Technologies kindly hosted the latest
UK User Group Meeting.
We were lucky enough to have access to their luxurious auditorium
facility based in Billingham.
Once again the Steering Committee did a fantastic job - without their
efforts these events would never get off the ground. Special thanks
go to Claire Crawford (W.L.Gore) for chairing the committee and
Mahesh Shivhare (Fujifilm) who offered to host the event.
The speakers included:
- Mahesh Shivhare - Fujifilm
- Stephen Pearson - Syngenta
- David Payne - MacFarlan Smith
- Matt Linsley - Newcastle University (ISRU)
- David Burnham - Pega Analytics
- Ian Cox - JMP Software
Bernard McKeown made a posting for the JMP blog that described the day in more detail - thanks Bernard!
Claire and Mahesh discuss the results of the user group survey