@shasheminassab asked in how to convert GPS coordinates to Zip Codes. @gzmorgan0 pointed out this is an impossible job to do completely correctly, for many reasons. An important reason is that Zip Codes are fixed points (that may change tomorrow) on a mail carrier's route; they may overlap and they may not cover the area and they were never intended to represent an area. The Census folks produce something close enough for some purposes, called ZCTA (zip code tabulation area) files. Here's some JSL to download the 2019 ZCTA and use it for forward and reverse geocoding. There are two tiny examples at the end. Test it before deciding it does what you need.
If( JMP Version() < "15",
Throw( "JMP 15 required" )
zipcodeNS = New Namespace(
zipcodeNS:zipCodeSetup = Function( {},
{i, za, blobshp, tempfile, blobdbf, zipkeys, latlonvals},
!File Exists( "$desktop/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500kdbf.jmp" )
!File Exists( "$desktop/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500kshp.jmp" )
za = Open( "https://www2.census.gov/geo/tiger/GENZ2019/shp/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500k.zip", "zip" );
blobshp = za << read( "cb_2019_us_zcta510_500k.shp", Format( blob ) );
tempfile = Save Text File( "$temp/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500k.shp", blobshp );
zipcodeNS:dtshp = Open( tempfile, Add to Recent Files( 0 ), invisible );
zipcodeNS:dtshp << save( "$desktop/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500kshp.jmp" );
blobdbf = za << read( "cb_2019_us_zcta510_500k.dbf", Format( blob ) );
tempfile = Save Text File( "$temp/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500k.dbf", blobdbf );
zipcodeNS:dtdbf = Open( tempfile, Add to Recent Files( 0 ), invisible );
zipcodeNS:dtdbf << save( "$desktop/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500kdbf.jmp" );
zipcodeNS:dtshp = Open( "$desktop/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500kshp.jmp", Add to Recent Files( 0 ), invisible );
zipcodeNS:dtdbf = Open( "$desktop/cb_2019_us_zcta510_500kdbf.jmp", Add to Recent Files( 0 ), invisible );
zipcodeNS:dtdbf:shape << Set Property( "Link ID", 1 );
zipcodeNS:dtshp:shape << Set Property( "Link Reference", Reference Table( zipcodeNS:dtdbf ) );
zipcodeNS:dtshp:name( "ZCTA5CE10[Shape]" ) << hide( 0 );
zipcodeNS:dtsummary = zipcodeNS:dtshp << Summary(
Group( :Shape ),
Mean( :X ),
Mean( :Y ),
Freq( "None" ),
Weight( "None" ),
statistics column name format( "stat of column" ),
Link to original data table( 0 )
zipcodeNS:dtsummary:shape << Set Property( "Link Reference", Reference Table( zipcodeNS:dtdbf ) );
For( i = 1, i <= N Rows( zipcodeNS:dtsummary ), i += 1,
If( zipcodeNS:dtsummary:shape[i] != i,
Throw( "bad shape indexing" )
zipcodeNS:dtsummary << New Column( "LastRow", Numeric, "Continuous", Format( "Best", 12 ), Formula( Col Cumulative Sum( :N Rows ) ) );
zipcodeNS:dtsummary << runformulas;
zipcodeNS:kdt = KDTable( zipcodeNS:dtsummary[0, {"mean of Y", "mean of X"}] );
zipkeys = zipcodeNS:dtsummary:name( "ZCTA5CE10[Shape]" ) << getvalues;
latlonvals = As List( (zipcodeNS:dtsummary:mean of y << getvalues) || (zipcodeNS:dtsummary:mean of x << getvalues) );
zipcodeNS:aa = Associative Array( zipkeys, latlonvals );
zipcodeNS:aa << Set Default Value( . );
zipcodeNS:dtsummary << setdirty( 0 );
zipcodeNS:dtshp << setdirty( 0 );
zipcodeNS:dtdbf << setdirty( 0 );
zipcodeNS:LatLonToZip = Function( {lat, lon},
{shapeid, distance, iCandidate, testid, endrange, beginrange},
If( !Is Missing( lat ) & !Is Missing( lon ),
{shapeid, distance} = zipcodeNS:kdt << KNearestRows( 10, lat || lon );
For( iCandidate = 1, iCandidate < N Cols( shapeid ), iCandidate += 1,
testid = shapeid[iCandidate];
endrange = zipcodeNS:dtsummary:lastrow[testid];
beginrange = endrange - zipcodeNS:dtsummary:nrows[testid] + 1;
If( In Polygon( lat, lon, zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange :: endrange, "x"], zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange :: endrange, "y"] ),
Return( zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange, "ZCTA5CE10[Shape]"] )
testid = shapeid[1];
endrange = zipcodeNS:dtsummary:lastrow[testid];
beginrange = endrange - zipcodeNS:dtsummary:nrows[testid] + 1;
distance[1] < .001 | (Min( zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange :: endrange, "x"] ) <= lon <= Max( zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange :: endrange, "x"] )
& Min( zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange :: endrange, "y"] ) <= lat <= Max( zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange :: endrange, "y"] )),
Return( zipcodeNS:dtshp[beginrange, "ZCTA5CE10[Shape]"] )
Return( . );
zipcodeNS:ZipToLatLon = Function( {zip},
xy = zipcodeNS:aa[Char( zip )];
If( !Is List( xy ),
{., .},
show(zipcodeNS:LatLonToZip( 38.897,-77.043));
The LatLonToZip will convert about 1000 points per second; it uses a KDTable to find a set of 10 nearby polygons which will be checked to see if the point is actually inside. There are some degenerate cases, polys with only one edge, that don't round-trip very well.
The function is set up to cache some data tables on your desktop; the 100MB download is slow. You might want to cache them in a better place.
an old article with important details: http://web.archive.org/web/20050209030255/http://www.manifold.net/cases/zip_codes/zip_codes.html
more recent answers: https://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/2682/sources-for-us-zip-code-boundaries
Census starting point: https://www.census.gov/geographies/mapping-files/time-series/geo/cartographic-boundary.html
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