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Factory Art

Not-quite-random art generator.  Notice the paint function's use of matrix indexing to avoid an explicit JSL loop to set a vertical line of pixels, more-or-less perpendicular to the path of the brush.  M selects the pixels and blend1 & blend2 make the center of the wide brush stroke opaque and the edges more transparent.  (Off-shoot of another project, inspired in part by Dynamic Image Generation with Python –

FactoryArt - YouTube


Window( "x" ) << closewindow;

scale = 4;

brows = 1080 * scale;

bcols = 1920 * scale;

red = J( brows, bcols, 0 );

green = J( brows, bcols, 0 );

blue = J( brows, bcols, 0 );

imageno = 0;

paint = Function( {row, col, color, drow},

    {m = Max( 1, Min( brows, row - drow ) ) :: Min( brows, Max( 1, row + drow ) ), r, g, b, blend1 = ((1 :: Max( 1, Floor( N Cols( m ) / 2 ) ))

     || If( N Cols( m ) > 1,

        (Ceiling( N Cols( m ) / 2 ) :: 1),


    ))` / Ceiling( N Cols( m ) / 2 ), blend2 = 1 - blend1},

    {r, g, b} = Color To RGB( color );


        red[m, col] = (red[m, col] :* blend2 + r * blend1);

        green[m, col] = (green[m, col] :* blend2 + g * blend1);

        blue[m, col] = (blue[m, col] :* blend2 + b * blend1);


        Show( exception_msg, row, col, r, blend1, blend2, drow, m );




stripe = Function( {amp1, reps1, phase1, reps2, phase2, row, h1, h2, mindr, maxdr},

    {ic, ir, fract, dr, color},

    reps1 *= 2 * Pi();

    reps2 *= 2 * Pi();

    phase1 *= 2 * Pi();

    phase2 *= 2 * Pi();

    amp1 *= scale;

    mindr *= scale;

    maxdr *= scale;

    For( ic = 1, ic <= bcols, ic++,

        fract = ic / bcols;

        ir = row + amp1 * Sin( phase1 + reps1 * fract );

        dr = Interpolate( Sin( phase2 + reps2 * fract ), -1, mindr, 1, maxdr );

        color = HLS Color( Interpolate( fract, 0, h1, 1, h2 ), .5, 1 );

        paint( ir, ic, color, dr );

        If( Mod( ic, 512 ) == 0,

            Wait( .01 );

            img = New Image( "rgb", {red, green, blue} );

            img << scale( .5 );

            img << saveimage( "\VBOXSVR\windowsShare\painter\pics\p" || Right( Char( imageno++ ), 6, "0" ) || ".jpg", "jpg" );





picture = Function( {nstripes},

    {istripe, fract, hue1, hue2},

    For( istripe = 1, istripe <= nstripes, istripe++,

        Show( istripe );

        fract = istripe / nstripes;

        nfract = 1 - fract;

        thisrow = Random Integer( brows / 200, brows - brows / 200 );

        rfract = thisrow / brows;

        hue1 = Random Uniform( .8 * rfract + .3, .8 * rfract + .3 );

        If( hue1 > 1, hue1 -= 1 );// alow h1 wrap around

        hue2 = hue1 + Random Uniform( 0, .2 );

        If( hue2 > 1, hue2 = 1 );// prevent wrap around for h2


            Interpolate( fract, 0, 50, 1, 10 ), // amp1

            Random Uniform( .1, .4 ), // rep1

            Random Uniform( 0, 1 ), //phase

            Random Uniform( 0, .2 ), // rep2

            Random Uniform( 0, 1 ), // phase2

            thisrow, // target row



            5, // min delta

            Random Integer( 5 + 25 * nfract, 50 + 150 * nfract ) // max delta




picture( 100 );

Wait( 0 );

img = New Image( "rgb", {red, green, blue} );

img << scale( .5 );

img << saveimage( "\VBOXSVR\windowsShare\painter\pics\p" || Right( Char( imageno++ ), 6, "0" ) || ".jpg", "jpg" );

New Window( "x", img );

Last Modified: Oct 18, 2016 11:48 PM