You've always been able to subscript columns in a data table as one dimensional vectors. In JMP 13 you can subscript a data table as a two dimensional array. Here are some examples using big class. (The very last example shows the column subscripting.)

dt = Open("$SAMPLE_DATA\Big");
dt[ 4, "height"];
dt[ [4], "height"];
dt[ 4, {height}];
dt[ 4::2, "name"];
dt[ 1,0 ];
dt[[1,3,5],[2 4 5]];
copydt = dt[0,0];
dt[0,0] = .;
dt[0,0] = copydt;
dt[1::nrows(dt),{name,sex}] = dt[nrows(dt)::1,{sex,name}];
dt[2::3,{age,height,weight}] = [22 70 190, 23 73 200 ];
The data table subscripting makes it easier to work with a table than before; you can swap rows or columns with a single (slightly complicated) statement, or copy blocks from one table to another, or extract a matrix from a subset of the table using a matrix of rows and a list of columns that identify the subset.