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Join our Viking Ship in our Predictive Modeling Unsession

Europe’s JMP 2021 Discovery Conference has gone virtual.  With that we are excited to announce the first European Predictive Modeling Unsession, which will take place on March 8.

You are interested in predictive modeling and want to learn and/or share experiences, have questions about certain predictive modeling topics, or you simply want to discuss with other interested personas about that topic? You believe predictive modeling should be used more in your company, but you are not sure how to overcome common obstacles like resistance or fear of change? At least then you are a best fit to join the 8 March session.

Wait, join what? Let’s take a step back.

Unsession, hmm. If you are like me, I would have had no clue of what an Unsession is. So basically, Unsessions are like conference sessions—only better. All session topics are driven by participants. Virtual spaces and rooms feature specific topics where participants can learn, share, and collaborate creatively in smaller groups.

The last Unsession, in October, at Americas Discovery Summit, received great feedback, so we decided to do it again for Europe. Just more European.

What to expect?

We will have six breakout rooms so you will have at least three times the chance to choose the ones you like.  The topics are:

  • Analytics Culture - how to manifest and spread the usage of predictive modeling in an organization, and what is the value to the organization
  • Gain Better Understanding - things to look out for when using predictive modeling to increase your understanding in science and engineering
  • Functional Data Analysis
  • Generalized Regression
  • Structural Equation Models (and its potential in the industry)
  • What Model When?

You see, there are different aspects of predictive modeling covered, some more from an organizational point of view, some more platform specific, some about the what, why and how. I believe this is a nice mixture allowing everyone to find a session you are especially interested in.




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Timing: Discovery Summit Predictive Modeling Unsession

When: March 8, 12:30-15:30 CET (11:30-14:30 GMT)

Agenda: Europe 2021 Discovery Summit Online 8-12 March 

JMP Discovery Summit Presentations:  Tell me more. Subscribe to Category in JMP Community. 

How does it work?

Attendees come together at the beginning of the session to learn and discuss of any skill level, from any organization about predictive modeling. By the end of the day, participants have an opportunity to ask questions, learn from peers, and understand how to recreate analytic results and automate or extend the functionality of JMP software.

This is an opportunity to have some fun and interact with others from around the world using JMP's predictive modeling platforms. Active participation will be best for the flow of the discussion. However, you will not be forced to participate – we all want just a fun time together talking about topics we are keen on (or need to be).


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How did we develop the agenda?

For this year’s Unsession, we have taken into consideration feedback for the Americas Unsession and mixed them with some new elements and planned the agenda in advance. This allows attendees to know what to expect and plan their schedules accordingly.

However we welcome feedback of any kind to the topics chosen and any topics you like to have on the agenda in possible future sessions.

We want you - and your feedback!

Please tell us what sessions you are likely to join and what you’d like to learn predictive modeling with JMP. We’d like to know what you have an interest in learning. Share what would enhance your predictive modeling knowledge in this survey by March 5: Submit your predictive modeling feedback here

Final Note

Even if modeling isn’t your day-to-day job, join us! We recognize that new processes, technologies, ideas, and techniques are being leveraged by your company to support all aspects of the business. Join the conversation about how JMP, modeling and related topics can do more for your work, industry, or discipline.

I’m looking forward to being your host for this Predictive Modeling Unsession!